[Prison] What is your main income technique?


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #108295 Score: 0


    How do you prefer getting money, besides BM?

    #108306 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I had tons of ways of getting money back in the old days.

    I can’t really think of nothing but Bm’s sorry. But I’ll tell you anyways.

    -Wood mining, people now a days put like 5k of wood for a stack when you do the money on that it’s a lot of cash.
    -Mining and being Active. Being Active is the key of getting more, and more money. Like heck I could get like 400k at L within 10mins or so. But that is only becuase L mine is Op.
    The more and more you get active the more cash you can get.

    #108309 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Make alot of friends, ask for some loans and pay them back.

    #108316 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Derp, I never legitly earn money to rankup. Some people just donate me money :)

    #108324 Score: 0


    I use pro mlg tips when mining.
    1) Use inventory filter to avoid getting crap.
    Spread the valuables in your inv so you dont have space to pickupp crap. Although you will be spammed by auto pickup but its worth it.
    2) Mine in lines. Here is a spammy visual example:

    where |,/,\ and — are your mining paths.
    ~~ are blocks.
    Hope you understand 😛
    This way you get all the useful ores in a layer without missing a single one and you dont have to mine a lot.

    3) Use multiple picks.
    I keep an eff4 unb3 silk and a zeus pick in my inv while mining. I use silk for the dia and emerald ores and mine them at my plot with a fortune piick (Used to be a gaia pick but now i use legend pick)

    4) Use a black mart.
    If you can easily go to op shop, make a bm and set goood prices so players sell to you and then you sell at op shop. Its quite profitable once you know what you are doing.

    cant remember any more tips atm, sorry 😛

    #108349 Score: 0


    all I would do is to mine 24/7 and be so active, June Hoildays are coming, of course I have 21 entire days to myself -.-

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