Well, it happened again.. I’ve died to a hacker in survival.. ;-; The guy’s name is pro5man, basically what happened was I meant to do /warp phil, but accidently did /warp pvp. I thought I’d be fine, since there was one guy with no armor or sword there, I killed him.. Then, when I went towards the /spawn warp, I started losing 2 hearts a second, I turn around, there’s an invis guy with nothing but an iron sword with no enchants.. I went into panic mode and combat-logged on accident, so I didn’t get the guy’s name. When I logged in, I asked who it was, and pro5man says “Me xD” Then I said “Nice hacks bro…” I have no proof since I wasn’t intending to PvP, but please keep an eye on him.. I know he had some hacks, strength can’t turn an iron sword with no enchants into a god weapon.. I mean seriously, this is why I don’t pvp .-. I mean, you should have seen me irl, I shot up so quickly I almost flipped my chair over .-. hackers are bad D: Well, back to the XP farms to get my tools back.. luckily I have a backup set of armor in my end chest 😀
This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
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