Proposal to Large farm owners


Home Forums Survival General discussion Proposal to Large farm owners

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #57594 Score: 0


    Hello all!
    Too make things short, im buying a we Token and im looking for someone with a Large farm (Income Wise). I know that most wont let me just copy it it, so im making a proposal. I will tpay via ways ranging from a Pro4 Kit from the Buycraft Shop, A Stack of Gapples,In-game cash, or whatever sounds good. If you want to make a private offer, send me some mail in game, my IGN is McGrande. Thank you all!

    #57601 Score: 0

    23 pts

    WE tokens cannot be used to copy farms or economy buildings. They can only be used for regular structures such to move a home to a different place or clear some land and stuff like that, sorry.

    #57608 Score: 0


    Well then, thats an answer to that question McGrande.

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