Zippy, I’ve seen you’re too soft on players who breaks the rules ( ). These griefers can be happy they don’t get banned, like before. And they can grief until the owner of the plot come and request a punishment to this griefer, and it can takes forever.
Clearing their plots is the smallest punishment ever. We could reset them, and make them pay another plot (if it was 32×32 or 100×100), but having their own stuff griefed and gone will be a better lesson for them. They’ll see what a guy who got griefed pass.
The griefer tag is the real punishment. No one will add them during the time lapse they’ll be tagged (personally, I wouldn’t add a griefer; I don’t know about you XD), and maybe even after this time. In my opinion, they can make fiesta that their names are not perm-tagged and not written black and white on a wall!
PS: This post was more to complete the topic than to answer zippy 😛
PS2 (Wooo PlayStation): This is still not applied.
PS3: I love abusing PSs.
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