Pvp arena / pa


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion Pvp arena / pa

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  shadow_slayer77 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #10342 Score: 0


    Hai Eternal people :3

    I’m here to request a new plugin: Pvp Arena. This plugin is a little bit like Mob Arena. You can choose your class and stuff. And it’s with teams. It is really nice for PvP’ing without actually losing stuff. I had this plugin on another server and I always play that before. I hope you will add this so Eternal will improve again!




    #10359 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’ve heard about this plugin and how it’s really fun, It’s a good choice for the pvpers who don’t want to lose stuff. Though some pvpers might disagree because they pvp for winning armor and swords.. But in my opinion this should be considered.

    #10371 Score: 0


    I’ve heard about this plugin too!It sounds cool and all but PVP is PVP as it is. It would be cool to put this plugin on EC but EC is good as it is. It would be cool if born added this plugin. Well nice plugin request!


    #10503 Score: 0


    @MinecraftRoy222 Just for the people who wants to play it. The people that wants to win armor are just going to /warp pvp or spawn pvp hill.

    @Team_YOLO Yeah I also think so!


    #10591 Score: 0


    Vote up for this! i played with this plugin a LONG time ago. still cant forget it :)

    #10622 Score: 0



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