PvP Hill Idea (Walls)


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This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #52517 Score: 0

    14 pts

    so in factions servers, there is like a wall you fall off and then you go pvping. That gave me the idea of Ec’s Pvp Hill since there are so many posts about people fly pvping.

    There should be a wall around 4-5 blocks above the blocks where pvp is enabled. If you don’t get me, like 4-5 blocks high from the pvp hill line is just air where players can get through while 6-10 blocks high is like glass wall which people can tell me players are actually flying or not.

    The 4-5 blocks of space would remain people space to jump down and get into the safe zone of spawn and also disable of fly pvp and getting back to spawn easily. I think it would work as i am making screenshots along with this topic.

    #52520 Score: 0


    Real pvp takes place at /warp pvp. This isnt a faction server. Vote down.

    #52523 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I mean, this will be a wall that will fix people from flying. It’s like an IDEA from FACTIon. It’s not factions where u have to jump down and never get back up, not that.

    #52525 Score: 0


    Wither, people like pvphill because you can hide behind the line. The real place to PVP is at warp pvp (like xav said) and there people can’t fly or escape.

    #52532 Score: 0

    14 pts

    #52533 Score: 0

    14 pts

    In this picture, people can still jump down, but the 5 blocks would make it possible. The grass block is an example of how the hill is and like people can’t fly through. and you can measure if people are really flying by comparing that player’s height to this glass wall.

    #52535 Score: 0


    Ooo i get it lol. But still that would kinda ruin pvp hill :/

    #52536 Score: 0

    14 pts

    yeah, my explain for this one sucked… Lol

    It 5 blocks would make it safe, i tested it jump down from that area and there were no problem. You can do more personal testing if you perfer.

    #52563 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Wouldn’t think it’s a good idea since there’s nothing that is good about Pvp hill, most of the people just hide at the Podzol/Mycelium block and wait until someone gets inside. The pvp arena is the place to actually pvp 😉

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