PvP_Doctor! A HACKER


Home Forums Factions Reports / Bugs / Glitches PvP_Doctor! A HACKER

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #105333 Score: 0


    ok so me and beastadragon and asfandatrem Challenge Westiger and PvP_Doctor to a fight then while fighting pvp_doctor kept standing in air and hitting, i jumped from behind him when i wanted to hit him he kept hitting me and i like kept flying he hit me from behind after that i killed him and i reported to beastadragon but beast wasnt there.so this time we ask them to say .kill, westiger says .kill and nothing happens, westiger doesnt have hacks but PvP_doctor does, i think he is PvP_Dude and he probably is Bpyassing. look at his reaction when i ask him to .kill

    Westiger said .kill, But PvP_Doctor keeps ignoring me and msging me “pvp warp pvp”, I Would Suggest an IP Ban. because i see people called PvPWolf and stuff similar to PvP_Doctor, they only log in when doctor’s offline.

    Thank you For Noticing. -x_denx_x

    #105334 Score: 0


    Case Solved!
    They Turned out that they were Actual Hackers. BOTH!
    Case Started by : x_denx_x
    Helpers : asfandatrem
    Case Solver : BeastADragon

    BeastADragon banned them, but I would Suggest an IP Ban!

    Thank you for Noticing. – x_denx_x

    #105335 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Not to be rude, but you don’t need to suggest which punishment somebody receives; That’s up to the mod that deals with it.
    Also, a lot of people can have “PvP” at the start of their username, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all the same person.

    #105337 Score: 0


    Somenoe close this topic.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Beast.
    #105339 Score: 0


    Sorry about Everything Megaseth, I Did not Know about that.
    and About PvP. they all speak like PvP_Doctor soo, Sorry about that too!

    #105341 Score: 0

    20 pts

    .kill and .legit aren’t valid ways to “prove” hackers.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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