PvPLogging command not working


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report PvPLogging command not working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  GrassFae 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #71726 Score: 0


    I was pvping at /warp pvp against WhatDaFoxSay and I was winning my fight against him. However, as he ran away, down the stairs, to escape, he logged out of the game, however he didn’t die. Is this a bug? And, more importantly, I would like to note that someone else (MrRambinho) came in afterwards with full prot 4, however I got out alive but at that moment when I left WhatDaFoxSay conveniently came back in and he got out alive with all his stuff. Maybe another account of his or a friend? I dunno. Just putting it out there.

    If it is a bug, then can I please have his stuff. I would have easily killed him if he didn’t log out and the person came along. Thanks for reading this.

    #71739 Score: 0


    reported thanks

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