Q – Q – Questions!!!!!
This topic contains 35 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.
AnonymousThis long argument just bleed my eyes -.-
So can anyone summarise what is going on above please?
Thank you.
How many warnings does bree have?
Do you have a system of demotion or none at all?
This long argument just bleed my eyes -.-
i liek blood.
So can anyone summarise what is going on above please?
Wither was curious about how prison mods work when he saw the two topics so he made another topic to ask about them because the original topic was closed and not being a part of the prison staff, he wasnt allowed to open the topic and stuff. Dark replied and clarified that he gave Breezayy a warning and told a forums Moderator to close it. The moderator didnt leave a reply so it got wither puzzled so he made the post. About the jail, banana mentioned jail was just for fun and shouldnt be taken seriously. Tavon said new players dont know about it and stuff and dark replied that there was a /warp tutorial which states all the rules and you get punished for not following them. Yeah, thats pretty much it.Thank you.
AnonymousDamn, internal operations are complicated -.-
anyway report for faction will be up within minutes
a Grocery list for prison will be next day -.- tired and need to sleep, in the mid-midnight hours
” and you are not mature enough to understand what is written in /warp tutorial ”
Funny you said that.
I am mature to read whats right in my Face.
If I didn’t? I wont be here talking to you, and won’t I?I’m just saying that it is dumb to even have Jail in Prison, if anything it should be a Event ( Just got the Idea ) Your being jailed for like what? 5Mins. Yeah it’s not a lot of time but it is a waste of time.
Getting seen with a God apple is really nothing.. Tbh it’s a God apple it’s something that we Pvp with. Just like with Darts, MoDs, shivs and etc, etc.
” im not sure that we will even keep that idea up anymore cause 1. Its a waste of time and 2. Most players dont understand it. ”
If you haven’t seen it yet people really don’t understand the whole Getting Jailed thing.
We Kids / Teens come to games like these without a care in the world, hoping and enjoying the Game it self. Some people might not even know English so what if they don’t even know what they’re getting them selfs in-to.
ClockSpeed, you don’t have to tell me anything really, in fact I know my rules. What to do and what not to do.
If you really want to talk to me I’m always on Skype.@Wither
How many warnings does bree have?
“Own7ge was demoted because he constantly disrespected Wither. We already gave him several warnings before that. As for Breezayy, it is her first warning.“Do you have a system of demotion or none at all?
“Own7ge was demoted because he constantly disrespected Wither. We already gave him several warnings before that. As for Breezayy, it is her first warning.”http://eternalcraft.com/mod-ranks/
“Trials along with other mods will be routinely checked on the quality of how they perform. If they fall below standards there will be a 3 strike rule. Get striked out 3 times and you will be demoted.”
^ We are following that as well.For your info, Breezayy only disrespected Tito once, so she only received 1 warning.
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
But I got no apology….
But I didn’t get a apology…*
Oh, I thought this is bree’s first warn:Reporting this to you was nothing at all?(I was reporting on how she banned the guy in an uneducated way. Seems like she is making fun out of bans)
Well. Bree and ow7ge was reported by me. Apperently you never gave bree punishment and cant keep trackin the # of warnings.
Alright wither how many warnings do you believe breezayy has and what course of action should be taken? Btw its “#corrupt” and factions mod team has like 10x more accusations of abuse then prison. Anyway if you are trying to prove some sort of point that the factions mod team is the supreme end all be all solution to server moderation, then I think you are wrong. If you really were concerned about trying to solve a genuine problem then you would not post things such as “This issue was clearly not solved 😀 #abuse” or “#corrupt”. We are humans and make mistakes, so lets not try to point fingers here and say “Well if I was so and so, then the “Abuser/corrupt mod” would be demoted”. Also keep in mind that a simple suggestion instead of drastic action can be more efficient. If you havent noticed, EC is lacking good players overall for moderator positions. So yes we are trying to keep our mods, because if we demote them, we have no replacements. Your opinion is that you dont like the way prison is ran. You are entitled to that opinion. Some might say that they dont like the way factions is ran. It goes both ways here, but in the end we need to try to be a team. If you truly are concerned about the Prison Mod Team then do try to be more kind in adressing your concerns, otherwise it just comes across as you trying to start a fight. And is the Prison Mod Team completely innocent? No not by any stretch of the imagination. You can only expect a certain level of professionalisim from persons that are between 12 years old and 18 years old. Id say that compared to some other kids ive seen, the people we have as mods are quite mature and professional for their age, but are they perfect? No, they are not. And because we might have forgot how many warnings somemone had, that makes us corrupt? No, that just means we forgot. I cant speak for the others in how much they remember but for me, Im very busy and I usually only have time for dealing with major issues, and I often forget small things that people have told me here and there. I have school too deal with, work, and other “In Real Life” things that need my attention. You might say “Well if you are putting yoru effort in school then you should just resign”, and to that I say No I will not, because even though I may not be able to spend my whole life on mineccraft, I can still be of use and provide my expierence on certain things when needed. Anyway if you took the time to read this, then thank you cause it took me a while to type it xD
The one prob I have with Prison is.
I can have a Report for Prison, Mods but they will just ignore.. For days or so then come to it. That is something I don’t like really. Every report should’ve deal with within 24hours-48hours or less. It should’d take 5days to say ” Done, thanks for reporting ”
Even on Skype I still get ignored and I really hate it tbh.Trollson, no need to tell us all of this here.
What really should’ve been by now is this.Bree, should’ve Been! Should sorry to Mr_Tito361 weeks ago. But where is she? No idea.
You need to really talk to her and not say ” She was warned ” This could make players leave the Server if People was called these kind of things. And it shows that Mod has no Respect for he / she. That makes us think that as well.Bree, should’ve said sorry by now. Nothing more nothing less. I don’t think Action’s should be took on this. Like you said before we are all Kids / Teens.
Tito would forgive her for her actions. I don’t see this as hard for you Prison Mods to do.
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
AnonymousAs if everyone is free and do what is expected -.-
“I can have a Report for Prison, Mods but they will just ignore..” No, we dont ignore, we just have often dont have time. And fyi alot of your reports are screenshots of people spamming “lagggggg”. So your reports are ususally not that urgent. And also reports for spam cant always be dealt with in a timely manner because we cant warn offline people. So instead of closing the topic and say we dealt with it, we just leave it open. And once again in cant vouch for other mods response times, but keep in mind we dont have our lives to give to EC. It is a thing we do in our free time. And tavon you gave me a report 1 time on skype and i dealt with it as soon as i got the message sooo idk what you are talking about.
“Every report should’ve deal with within 24hours-48hours or less” You’re abit out of touch with reality if you think this is feasible. The EC mod team isnt a 24 hour online service help team. We dont sit on the forums and spam f5 waiting for new reports.
Basically, tell me how the solution was solved? Bree broke the rules and was “warned” while Mr_Tito was disrespected.
I never made any claims that Factions mod team was better in any way. It was simply your opinion. If you do CTRL F, and find the word factions, it came from you. As of right now, I have an issue with Prison, and since your a mod, you should be able to help me and solve this issue…
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
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