questions on being Unbanned


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal questions on being Unbanned

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Claustofobia 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30237 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I have a few Questions for being unbanned(I’m not banned btw)
    1. If a admin+ denies your appeal does that mean you cant be unbanned?
    2.If that admin still denies you after a long time is that a chance you wont get back on.
    3. If you did something really bad will you go back on the server after a LonG time?
    If you can answer these Questions it is much appreciated
    (some of these Questions may be out of Punctuation because i was in a rush coz i had to get of the computer)

    #30248 Score: 0


    Vote up.

    #30249 Score: 0


    …dafuq do you mean zevguns?

    #30258 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    Okay ThunderLord, imma answer as well as I can and as well as I know…
    3. Depending on the severity, if it isn’t an overly harsh reason that the person got banned, then they’d probably have a chance after quite a while of doing the 3 C’s (Cool/Calm/Collected)… so they’d have to accept their ban, and realise that they were banned for a reason…
    1. I’m pretty sure that if you were banned by an Admin+ you MIGHT have a chance of being unbanned, as I said with ‘3’, depending on the severity of the reason for the ban…
    2.If the Admin+ denies your unban appeal after a few months of that person being banned (Remaining Cool/Calm/Collected), then I wouldn’t be too sure if you’d have much of a chance to be unbanned…

    I hope this helped and answered your questions (:

    #30262 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Like megaSeth said, it depends. If admins+ denied your appeal, doesn’t mean you will never be unbanned. There are also other members that gets unbanned after 3 months+ and is somehow unforgivable because the player was good and didn’t do a very bad thing.


    #30340 Score: 0

    2 pts

    ok ty guys you helped me alot!

    #30356 Score: 0


    When we unban someone that has been perm banned we always first talk it over with the mod team. So its never really one person giving his opinion.

    Also Zev proofs again you dont read just vote ><

    #30359 Score: 0



    #30364 Score: 0

    3 pts


    #30366 Score: 0


    Zevguns always gives a happy end…

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