R.I.P English


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  siverbullet 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #18405 Score: 0


    I am very disappointed in the amount of Players who make mod apps, Reports and even just random topics on the forum and can not spell anything correctly. I’ve seen my fair share of bad spelling but about a month a go someone made an unban appeal that went a little something like this

    ‘yr i did xray n im soz. plz unbn me n i prmize i wil nvr do it agan’

    Worst spelling i have ever seen.

    TIP: If your applying for mod, Reporting or just wanna be taken seriously, Spell things correctly. It Can greatly impact whatever you are saying

    I Blame society and technology. I mean minecraft is fine and so is a lot of other technological stuff but things like Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter is rapidly making humans dumber and dumber.

    My Winge of the day is now over


    #18406 Score: 0


    beacuase talking like that is really cool these days ….. not, it just makes people mad. i do it when im talking to someone that does it to me aswell, but not when i want to make an impression or be taken seriously it actually took me 5 goes to understand that sentence above and i have the best reading in my class so that it is kinda a sad thing …

    #18410 Score: 0


    You agree with me about bad spelling and you spell because wrong. xD



    #18411 Score: 0



    #18412 Score: 0


    If you use lol or gtg. These  acronyms are alright because other people can understand you and they know what you mean. However if your that one dumb person and you go 1 step further and type: okihtgnboscidka (OK I Have To Go Now Because Of Some Crap I Don’t Know About). They won’t understand what you are talking about and sometimes this could be misleading and it could cause you to get banned. So fellow minecrafters TYPE PROPERLY!!!!!!!!!!!!


    #18419 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    OK Pigs 😉 Here I go

    The word is “ago” not “a go”You’re always supposed to use a capital “I”
    It’d be “you’re” instead of “your”
    It’d also be spelled as “Minecraft” as it’s a name (of a game) instead of “minecraft”
    Also, “but things like Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter is rapidly…” should be “but things like Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter are rapidly…”

    Just thought I should say that seeing as how you started a topic about the matter ;D Anyway, have fun with you Winge of the day being over now 😛

    #18421 Score: 0


    I said R.I.P Spelling not Grammar. Get it right megaSeth010.


    #18424 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    😉 Just trying to help out a bit buddy XD Anyway, a few of the aforementioned things I brought up were to do with English, rather than grammatical errors 😉

    #100485 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I do agree, even though this is very VERY late, that mispelling things other than acronyms are a bit too excessive for making people understand what your saying.

    #116101 Score: 0



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