Random Player locked chests / brewing stands , auto locking error need mod to he


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Random Player locked chests / brewing stands , auto locking error need mod to he

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  stormfrenzy 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #10324 Score: 0


    When i placed some chests and brewing stands in my future town shop in the home chunk of my town Ember , i was normally notified that i successfully placed a locked chest. But when i tried to open them , they said that it is locked and i cant open them . When i used /cinfo to find who owns the affected brewing stands and chests , it stated two diffrent players iloveapple and another one and the problem is that both players were offline on the they who recently registed . Now the problem is that i cant remove those chests and delay my town`s project. The solution is to destroy both the large chest and brewing stands marked with sign boards that i think are also affected by the bukkit glitch . Those sign boards , chests and brewings stands  affected needs to be destroyed in the town home plot . /t spawn Ember would get u there i need help active moderators!

    #10325 Score: 0


    sorry for the typo i mean that locks were autoplaced for other players instead of me who placed those , who were offline on that day .

    #10327 Score: 0


    I Have The Same Problem In Tekkit Too.


    #10500 Score: 0


    Mods if you see this my problem has been solved already by a mthe and I don’t need help for anything now . For affected players use /cinfo then /resident ( player name on locked item) to prove the non existance of that player on that very day to the mods for prove . I receive it on EC survival due to the plugin glitch . Tell me the times the random locked blocks of the players who own them . All I receive is players from December 10 onwards of  registeration . 

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