Random Server Talk


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Keshan 12 years ago.

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  • #15297 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    OK, I know that quite a bit of you guys who read this that were on the server at the time would agree, xlson, harry28000, and Greg were talking about sex and other sex related things through the course of about 5 minutes, it was disturbing and annoying, I just thought I should post that to let you beautiful people know.

    #15298 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    Also, as soon as I relogged (chunk error) I noticed that xlson was abusing other players, disrespecting them. I have no screenshots to prove as I was talking with SWAG131 about him wanting some slimeballs and didn’t take the time to forget about him for a bit to take screenshots, I’m sorry if you think that this wasted your time, but it got on a lot of peoples nerves, onthe bright side, Greg and Harry28000 have stopped.

    #15301 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Okay, i was online and saw that as well. I agree with u and have no screenshots. I do remember Swag131 asking about slimeballs and i do remember this issue.

    #15304 Score: 0


    I have some screenshots of this. The conversation about this nonsense  did go on for about 10-15 mins. I’m sorry for saying this but the mod(s) that were online didn’t do much when this was happening. They did do some things though.

    #15308 Score: 0

    14 pts

    O.o thanks for taking the screenshots amy, hope it shows clear evidence about this issue.

    #15312 Score: 0


    I did hear about this and i think it was resolved. although nothing has been said in the mod chat. will look further into this. thankyou megaseth

    -TrialMod Pigs

    #15314 Score: 0


    Oh, and don’t forget GunSmith getting into TheSman’s locked chest, and going into SWAG1313’s No PvP town and killing him.

    #15321 Score: 0


    Yes, Just as theroyalnickster Said. I Was helping Swag, But was in vanish, And Saw everything. He Said he could Help, So we taed him. He Attacked Him, Taking ALL Of The Raw stuff ( Stacks of Diomnds, Stone, Like That) i Was MAD! I Came out of Vanish and Started Fighting him. It Was brutal, Until he Started Usin /back to his advantage. he /spawns heals and comes back.

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