

Home Forums Survival General discussion ranks

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  VESL15 10 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #61941 Score: 0


    Well you guys know if you griefe or scamm you will get a griefer or scammer,so how bout we get positive ranks like ect. Im a brewer so next to my name it just says brewer or another ect. If you kill alot of people sothe get a pvper rank.its just an idea and just whant to give you guysth idea if you dont like it then fine i dont care thanks for reading

    #61943 Score: 0


    This isnt a pvp only server. Really the servers that usually use that are factions servers with the jobs plugin or something. Sorry but vote down.

    #61944 Score: 0


    Vote down…
    Its quite useless u see, why do people need to know what u are good at or what u are, btw u need all crafting, brewing, burning, mining etc. so u can survive :/

    PS why don’t u care if u don’t… Why did u post this?


    #61954 Score: 0


    Wouldn’t it be like having a surname or title? Bc u can have that in a nation.

    #61980 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^^ Totally agree with littleshadowman.
    PS: “Scammer”, “griefer”, “lurer” and “cheater” (<– I don’t know if this still exists) are tags, not ranks. :)

    #61983 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Vote Down!

    We’re gonna need 50 more moderators if we approve this D:

    #61995 Score: 0


    Vote Down!
    I dont think thats a good idea

    #62011 Score: 0


    well guys just an idea and osrry i said ranks instead of tags i dnt know what it was called xD but enyway if i do have a brewing next to my name it will really help on my shop(im brewing eny potions for 1k 😉 hihi) so i just whanted that out and to see if i can oh and littleshadowman idk how to do the surname or tittle of you can show me ill be very thanksfull!! ^_^

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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