RazorThunder's guide to a moderator rank V.1.0


Home Forums Survival General discussion RazorThunder's guide to a moderator rank V.1.0

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  RazorThunder 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #63162 Score: 0


    Hello everybody.
    I am RazorThunder, and I am showing you
    a guide on How to get a moderator rank.

    Let’s start!

    Server Behavior

    Good behavior is an essential to be a moderator in EternalCraft. You also need to act mature, even if you are not yet mature. If you act mature, then people will disregard your age.

    Behavior we want to see in the server:

    – Being active
    Reason: Imagine if you are a school janitor and you are always
    absent (like working for just 2 times a week).

    – Being mature
    Reason: Being mature does not mean getting old. It simply means
    acting like an adult in this server. People will
    disregard your age if you are mature.

    – The will to help
    Reason: As a moderator, you have to help other players that
    have problems. If you are just busy making your
    melon farm, then it’s not the time for you to
    submit a mod app.

    – Knowledge of the forums
    Reason: What? You just knew TODAY that there is a forum for
    EternalCracked? The forum is created to get
    support, and discuss EternalCracked.
    Starting now, be familiar with this site.

    Behavior we want to see in the forums

    The forums is the place where we express our feelings and discuss about the server. Here are [some] of the behavior that we want to see here in the forums:

    – Relevance of the title of the topic
    Reason: The title of your topic must be specific and relevant to
    the content. Instead of “Broke the rules”, type
    “These players own inappropriate plots” as title. Also
    put more content in the title, just one like the example
    above will be enough for a topic title

    – Frequency of replies
    Reason: In order to serve more people, you need to reply more
    until their problem is fixed. Don’t give up.

    – Content of moderator application
    Reason: Following the template, and filling adequate content
    will make you accomplish two things:
    1. Being accepted
    2. Interest of people skyrockets

    – Being polite
    Reason: If you keep swearing, that’s disrespect.
    As a result, people will disrespect you too.
    Remember the golden rule:
    Do unto other what you want others to do
    to you.

    That’s all. If I helped you, kindly reply. Feedback is also important
    to me.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    #63167 Score: 0


    Dude you arent a mod so why did you post this lol

    #63170 Score: 0

    13 pts

    You forgot for Replies is not just”
    i agrees
    vote up

    It has to be in depth replies that isn’t just a word or two long.
    And it doesn’t really take a mod to make a mod guide

    #63180 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I don’t think this would be accurate. Bender was a mod twice, so he knows most of things about getting a moderator rank and such. I’m pretty sure you’re not a mod, thus you’re either parroting what Bender said, or re-formatting/summarizing them. I’d suggest that you make a post such as this once you are a moderator, or had an experience of moderation.

    On the part about “The Forums”, one of it can be misinterpreted, Frequency of Replies tells you to talk in the forums until a problem is fixed, which I don’t think we should do, because there’s something called ‘Forum Spamming’, which can lead you to a ban.

    P.S. I suggest you write more than one or two sentences per topic

    #63184 Score: 0


    WTFBROOO just because he’s not a mod doesn’t mean he can’t make this.
    Ugh, yet again another trend on EC.

    #63193 Score: 0


    Like dark said, Hes just giving you guys advice that he thinks is good, and why do you guys got to judge him if hes a mod or not? At least he took his time and think of stuff to put down. So I think you should think of what you said. And Thats great! more tips the better! 😀

    #63225 Score: 0


    Hey you never know he could have been a moderator on a different server, as for the guide it’s pretty good and I think everything here has been written in different guides (Because their’s already like 4) but worded differently. But overall it does display all information and is pretty accurate so this guide is not bad.

    #63227 Score: 0


    I think it’s safe to say, any post about how to become mod by a higher ranking mod should be considered since they might be recruiting, i.e: skills641’s explanation on getting mod was reasonable and appropriate, since he is a Head Mod. “Guides” made by members or ex/demoted mods, well thats up to you.

    #63232 Score: 0


    @Rogue_Art: Yes, but you have to admit it. Topics this long are supposed to be detailed. I will make a 2.0 of this when I fix it. I summarized this but I need space for the reasons.

    @PirateBooty: No. I have not been a mod even in other servers. I just play on EC. I don’t have any experience. I know the behavior of the moderators and publish it here.

    @BlonFTW: Thanks for the encouraging words!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  RazorThunder.
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