RazorThunder's Mod Guide V.2.0


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  RazorThunder 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #64865 Score: 0


    Yes, it gets updated again. And this is now my new version of my guide on how to be a mod. It contains guidelines,rules,and etc. So here it is. Check it out!
    This is a mod application with 3 topics combined – Born’s, Bongo’s, and Chibichuba’s. I modified them either because you know, I really don’t like the concept of plagiarism. It’s bad. Anyway, let’s start now. But first, with the template.

    The template is:

    In-game names used:
    Experience: [Do not advertise]
    How Often you are Online:
    Why you want to become mod:

    -Born’s template

    I strongly suggest to add “Other contact options.” It is necessary for what Bongo said.
    Now, here’s what you put on these fields:

    In-game names used:

    This is where you put your in-game names. Keep it clean, so that people understand it. DO NOT explain anything like “my new username.” You may answer in a complete sentence (recommended). Here’s an example:

    I use the name raz04thund34 as my primary name, and it is my Premium account. I use it every time I play in the server.
    I also use the name razorthunder as my secondary one, and it is my cracked account. I use it in case my primary account has been hacked.


    Here, you put at least 3 paragraphs with 5 sentences each. Here’s what you put on the three paragraphs:

    First, your experience playing Minecraft
    Second, your experience playing Minecraft at EternalCraft
    Third, your experience in the forums
    Note: At these paragraphs, include how many years you are using each platform. Start date is optional.

    [Example coming soon]

    How often are you online:

    You put your gameplay times here. Here is an example:

    I am online every time when there’s time for me to play. Usually, I play on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays, at 9 AM to 2 PM (GMT +8)
    Note: Include your timezone!

    Why do you want to become mod:

    I seriously say, without a doubt, that it is very difficult to explain why you want to become mod. I am here to help you.
    Explain in 2 paragraphs with a minimum of 5 sentences. Here’s what you put on the three paragraphs:

    1) What will you do when you become a mod (future, for short)
    2) Your objective/goals that you wish to meet in the future
    3) How will you make this server a better place

    [Example coming soon, as this topic is becoming longer]

    Other contact options:

    This is where you put your IM names. Skype is required.

    E-mail: razorthunder@icloud.com
    Skype: raz04thund34


    Tips and guidelines:

    If you’ve been muted, you might be accepted if you change your ways. If you got a tag, you may have a lowered chance of being promoted.
    If you’ve been banned, you have no hope. The decision depends on the mods for this.
    DO NOT try, attempt, or to deliberately put “VOTE ME” and other nonsense stuff on your mod application. Don’t make it dirty either. You may do
    “if you vote down, I am deeply sorry” and other related stuff.
    Do not post another Mod app. It shows impatience and it will be denied.
    THIS IS JUST FOR SURVIVAL. Not in Creative or Minigames.


    If you follow this guide, you can have a higher chance of being accepted.


    Pastebin version (I edit most of the stuff here, so check this out. Finalized versions will be posted in the forums: http://pastebin.com/zky4hxWq
    Bongo’s Reminder: http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/mod-app-rule-reminder/
    Born’s Template: http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/mod-application-template/
    Chibichuba’s Notice: http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/notice-for-members-applying-for-trialmod/

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    #64872 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I would make a few changes since I disagree a bit of them.

    Here, you put at least 3 paragraphs with 5 sentences each. Here’s what you put on the three paragraphs:

    First, your experience playing Minecraft
    Second, your experience playing Minecraft at EternalCraft
    Third, your experience in the forums
    Note: At these paragraphs, include how many years you are using each platform. Start date is optional.

    So this part is where people gets confused most of the times. But since my experience creating a mod application far before, what you need to type in is how familiar you are with the commands in the server, and what are the experiences you have gotten if you were/are mod in another server. For example, like what problems you face on other servers and how do you help other people fix it.

    1) What will you do when you become a mod (future, for short)
    2) Your objective/goals that you wish to meet in the future
    3) How will you make this server a better place

    I should remind you, this is not a president election. But it is also well done, but I would suggest to put no self-praising sentences, since it discourages other people to vote for you, saying for example like, “I’m reliable, I can help you with anything.” Which is so clear that it is not true. What you should put in here are compliments or inspirations. Like maybe, “<InsertAwesomeModNameHere> has done many things for me, and other mods have helped me too, so I want to try to be like them because…”

    The last thing is that you do not need to make a long application, what you have to make is a neat application and also understandable.

    #64889 Score: 0


    Naw. I think that making a mod application should be a challenge. I think you should have some time to think about it.

    #64909 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I won’t lie, i didn’t even read the whole thing.
    you don’t need to write an essay, be all fancy in you’re writing etc to get mod. just need to prove in-game.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  alex31298. Reason: made a spellin booboo
    #64912 Score: 0


    I don’t think there is such a thing as a right or wrong mod application, they should all be different and have a degree of individualism to them.

    #64917 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I don’t see any point in Mob Guides. I mean, its good but, if everyone followed this as a template rather than an inspiring post, I’d think we’d see many mod applications which would look basically the same. So that’s my opinion.

    #64920 Score: 0

    13 pts

    The current admins has a higher chance of wanting a player that poured all his heart and soul to his moderator application then basically following a step-by-step guide meaning that individuality might not exist in moderator applications. If you want advice, follow the template, write with correct spelling and punctuation. Be honest. DO NOT BRIBE. Work your hardest, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, the admins look towards you.

    #64931 Score: 0


    Guide was updated to 2.2 due to @maxminos‘ suggestions.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  RazorThunder.
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