Really going to make fun of me?
This topic contains 18 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by xZero_Strike 10 years ago.
So… I came on Cr today looking at my new spawn for /warp plots in Prison.. And DarkKightz17, left and Still and Night, started to make fun of me on how i was spamming the forums and etc etc… And saying that i show off and etc.
But yet i don’t see them helping the server in any way?
Yes i will say i did spam the forums. But it was the better of the good for the server.
I didn’t even try to fight with them.
Lucky for me Zero, was there to tell them to stop.But it is my role / job as a player here in EC, to report anything i can. Spam, Caps, Hacks, Bugs anything that’s needed to be reported.
I’m here to help the server. Not to be a noob who gets warn almost everyday.
So why are you posting this if a mod was there to handle it? This would be spamming the forums, if the other things weren’t. I don’t see what your trying to prove here. The title “Really going to make fun of me” makes it seem like you want something done about this, when nothing more than what already happened is.
Stop taking things to heart. Who the hell cares about what people say about you. Its life, get used to it, not everyone is going to like you.
Ppl have feelings in the world lots do.
No matter what something may hurt them.
Yet i keep seeing ppl say this to me.
It’s almost been a year for me in EC. And ppl still say things like that….its ok man, people have thoughts and usually peoples thoughts are biased, and their jerks. your doing the right thing by reporting, they’re doing the wrong thing by judging.
They’re either jealous of your efforts since it surpassed them. GG
Tavon just stop paying attention to them. They are not worth it.
I will always be here to do the right right for EC. And i wanna help the mods out in these hard times. And i know they have thanked me for that.
But yet some.. Ppl don’t see the fact that i’m am helping EC, they just think i’m not doing anything but being a noob.Well tavon i think you are a really really nice person that always tries to do his best keep up the good work.
Yeah yeah sad sad sad. how could they ever say mean things to you, youve been here a whole year and that means noone can ever be mean to you ever again. no moar h8 on tavon guise he been here whole year
Come on baretta3 don’t do this this is just plain disrespect.
baretta lawl
@Tavon1924 As most people stated, don’t let it get to your head too much. Haters are a thing, this may be bad for some people, and others may like it.
You’re a good person, what matters is how you think of yourself as a person, and not what others think. Only once you start hating yourself, then you should be worried.Ignore these haters, just keep doing what you’re doing, and do what you like to do, as long as it’s nothing bad.
Okay thanks Zero, for your feedback. And thanks for your feedback guys.
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
They’re either jealous of your efforts since it surpassed them. GG
Damn straight. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
However, as Beretta already said, this is normal. People dislike you, people hate you. You just can’t get along with EVERYONE and you have to accept the fact that #ThereWillBeHaters..
Also.. “TrevishX” “NightFuryX”.. Suspicious..
But yer, you’re doing more to the server than they are. So just ignore em.
They’re either jealous of your efforts since it surpassed them. GG
Lol…. But Tavon, stop acting like a kid not being rude. ur like 13 as u told me, and ur turning 14, ur older than me in age… So srsly, stop making these useless posts.
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
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