Reason for the sad news. :/


Home Forums Survival General discussion Reason for the sad news. :/

This topic contains 23 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  JungleNoob53 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #63161 Score: 0


    Ok so you guys wanna know what happened I’ll tell you in a huge thing. Feel free to read if you want. Anyway 2 days before this happened I told her I talked to a recruiter about enlisting in the service and I said the recruiter wants to talk to her. So she asked for his card and I gave it to her. Then the night before this happened I asked if she talked to him she was like yep. I asked what did you talk to him about? She’s like nothing and I got mad and went to bed. So then the morning that this all happened while I was sleeping she lays down next to me in bed and asks do you wanna know what we talked about? I said yes so then she tells me that she talked to the recruiter’s boss about my medication. She then tells me that she said she’s willing to work with me on being off my medication AFTER I graduate. I got mad and said mom when I’m 18 I’ll just stop taking them because I’m an adult. She said um remember who’s house your going to be living under when you do this… I said mom I’m just going to move out when I turn 18 anyway. She snapped and got up and walked away from my bed and was like I’m done talking to you. I don’t even wanna talk to you anymore. She leaves my room and then comes back in and says you know what fine if you wanna leave you have to leave your electronics and phone here. I said WHY?!?!?! She said because you didn’t pay for them I paid for them I said mom I got my tv for free and I got my Xbox for Christmas… She said doesn’t matter I paid for the Xbox… I said well I paid for the phone so it’s coming with me. She said fine I’ll just deactivate it when you do leave… Anyway so I’m ticked and I go take a shower and so does she when she was done I was still in mine and she comes into my bedroom dressed and everything and says you know what fine you can just leave now I’ll call your dad and if he says it’s fine you can leave whenever you want but I want you out and don’t come back. So I get done with my shower and wait and then she comes out of the bathroom off the phone with dad and was like. He’s fine with it you can go so I started packing my stuff and went to school. Was depressed all day got done with school got home packed the rest of my stuff said goodbye to my brothers and my pets and left. :'( But I’m living with my best friend right now and my mom said to my little brother that if I want to come back I have to have whatever room is available. So not only does she not want me back but neither does my dad… Then this morning before school she says I feel bad for admitting it but the house is kinda quite and peaceful without Kevin here. :/ That hurt when I found that out. So I’m not going back…

    #63164 Score: 0

    13 pts

    That is a really sad story…. Good luck with your life and just remember, it’s not the end

    #63165 Score: 0


    This is very sad. Don’t give up your hopes. Try being a YouTuber and start making money. Then your mom wouldn’t be mad because you worked for it also. Really sad story.

    #63166 Score: 0


    Wow … Dude ..I feel like reading a sad story …Reality is hard sometimes and Harsh sometimes i’m sure you’re mother wants you back .. But its you’re choose … All i have to say is good Luck Man and just try perhaps to say Sorry to you’re mother ?? ( Maybe its not you’re fault ) ANYWAYS i wish you all the Luck in you’re Life and Hope you have fun in you’re friends house… ( it would maybe let you Forget all da sad stuff )

    #63169 Score: 0


    Thanks everyone for reading it just thought I’d let you all know what happened considering multiple people have asked about it. It’s kinda depressing but it wont hold me back. I’ll be back soon now that I can keep my entire pay checks!!! 😀

    #63171 Score: 0


    Sorry this happened to you

    #63172 Score: 0

    6 pts

    Your mother shoudlve given you some time to become independent and live on your own

    #63173 Score: 0


    Don’t give up, and

    #63174 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Your mom sounds like a bitch.

    #63175 Score: 0


    Well,If your parents really loves you!they will call you back!

    or else …[Half of the story i did not understand,except the fact that you got kicked from ur house]I hope your parents asks you to come back again

    #63177 Score: 0


    I’ll never give up guys. :)

    #63178 Score: 0

    16 pts


    It states that they don’t want Kevin in their home anymore. Also I don’t think the calling back will happen, I mean they kicked him off the house, and then they even hurt his feelings after that. So yeah


    Go with what you want to go with. Maybe this is the start. Maybe this is the start of something beautiful. A better life? Maybe the chance to be one of the greatest people in the world? On the optimistic side, you’re not bored like “wake, school, homework, sleep”. But your life is more interesting that what it was a year ago, it has all sorts of things happening. In a way, this could be good.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #63182 Score: 0


    Bender I know the situation is heartbreaking but that doesn’t mean you need to swear. I don’t think your in that bad of a situation but I hope you reconnect with your mother. She is your mother no matter what she does you have to respect her. Unless if the situation is VERY bad.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  lol.
    #63188 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Your mother is right, you shouldnt enroll in something that will put your life in danger until you have achieved mental maturity, its for your best, its what a parent should do. She could have explained it better so you could understand.
    I would advice against enrolling at such a young age, I say think about it until you have 22-25 years old and if you still feel like its a good decision then go for it. Remember that as a soldier you will have to do stuff you wouldn’t do, you will have to follow orders, even if you dont like them. You will be giving away your ability to think and will be trained to follow orders no matter what. Most parents work hard to give their kids values and freedom of thought, being a soldier completely wipes away all their work. Also, consider that recruiters are experts in telling people exactly what they want in order to get them enrolled, the reality may not be the same as they promised it.

    #63189 Score: 0


    kevin im kinda like in the same problem you are sister had a boyfriend a fue years ago(there still together now)they loved each other soo much but my mom,dad and stepdad did not like his history.before they whent together he was a gangster he wud allways have a gun with him,did and selled drugs ect. but since he found my sister hes changing to be a better man,so through all the years my family slowly fell sis and mom wud fight almost everynight they never talked to each other it was just war and i was in the middle of a year ago my sis whent to his house to visit him and he dropped her off at my house before my mom came but she came the time i was on my computer just playing minecraft untill i seen my mom going into my sis room takeing all her clothes and throwing it out side in the weat muddy grass.i tryed to stop her because i knew she wud regret it but she smacked me and told me thta i knew all of this and i did not tell her,so she whent on throwing the stuff outside and at the same time she wud scream at my her boyfriend(lets call him bob)took her stuff oput of the grass and started to put it in the trunk.everything when to fast and hard so after she was done my sis(lest call her kat)whent inside bob’s car and try to drive away but my mom got in the way almost hitting her but i came and pushed her out of the now kat is all by herself and like i said bob’s trying to be a better person and by finishing that hes takeing time in prison finishing all the gang stuff,before kat did nothave no money,house,car no where to go but since bob’s family helped she has a desent job,saveing money to buy a car,liveing in bob’s sister house!but she still felt deprest because we was a very close family and now im allways in my room playing MC and my mom dont even care what happend to her he be getting out of her job at 4 AM and she has to walk home and bob’s sis house is very far away and my mom dont care even till this kevin your gana survive trust me :) i know your gana get on your feet in no time i trully wish you the best of luck and may god allways be by your side ^_^ and sorry for it to be kinda long xD

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