Reason for the sad news. :/


Home Forums Survival General discussion Reason for the sad news. :/

This topic contains 23 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  JungleNoob53 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #63194 Score: 0



    Being a youtuber and getting money is very hard because to actually be popular enough to get enough subs to have a good income you need to have:

    1. A VERY good computer so it loads everything good and fast (It could be really expensive)

    2. A VERY good editing program (Most popular youtubers get the expensive ones)

    3. A VERY good game recording software (Like fraps or something)

    4. A VERY good sense of humor

    5. And you have to talk a lot while you’re playing your game, which is kinda hard since you need to focus a lot on different games.

    6. And it’s kinda hard getting money if you only play one game.

    You should try to get a job at a grocery shop or something for now so you can pay for food and stuff.

    #63195 Score: 0


    try macdonalds or something and really sad for you but its ok, we’realways here for you and I can’t say I feel for you. no one really can. but you gotta know its gonna be ok(:

    #63197 Score: 0


    It will be ok kevin. But no matter what happens, make sure you never stop trying. Dont let this or anything bring you down. If you keep your current positive attitude towards this, you wont start to get depressed and down. What happens now is only now. You must remember that although things seem bad now, they will get better in the future. Good luck dude! But please, dont do drugs 😛


    #63221 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I thought your mom kicked you for no reason at first. If so.. I only have to wish you luck, Kevin :) You got a pretty long list of possible jobs and stuff, above. What’s great is that you can come back if you can take it anymore.
    Good luck, Kevin D:

    #63228 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Wow this is a sad story..I wish you very good luck Kevin..We were almost started to be friends but this happens..Try to be a youtuber (if you can so you can get money so you could buy an apartment to stay for a while and food and other stuff) Lucky your friend let you to stay at his house.Your parents said that without you there it feels peaceful and calm remember they just saying that because they are still mad..I’m sure they will feel guilty for saying that.

    *Don’t give up
    *Believe in your faith
    *Stay Strong
    *Follow some tips from your friends and trust your heart
    *Good Luck

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  ZeBlitzKiller.
    #63401 Score: 0


    Thanks everyone for the thoughts and the condolences I think that’s used correctly there. Either way things are starting to look good for me in my home I’m going to be getting 500-600 us dollar pay check Tuesday night and getting the money in my pocket Wednesday. I’m earning my stay at my new home doing chores and helping pay for food and trying not to eat much because they don’t have much food left so I’m minding my apatite and keeping it low. But yea things are honestly starting to turn out better. Still need to get better internet there though. But we are working on that.

    #63406 Score: 0


    you have a brother right? I remember from your mod app xD anw, you should try carry out you daily stuff and keep calm and dont hesitate to smile once in a while abd refelct on myabe what you did and dont think thqt its kinda unreasonable but its ok! things will work out!(:

    #63414 Score: 0


    Yea I got a brother he’s my eyes on the inside haha. 😀

    #63517 Score: 0


    wow VESL15 sad story you got there buddy, and Bender it is not nice to call someone else’s parents the (b-word, don’t like swearing), as BornCorp said his parents are doing something that they think would help Kevin.

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