RedRaisers Trial Mod Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications RedRaisers Trial Mod Application

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #68182 Score: 0


    In Game Names used : RedRaiser

    Experience : Have been on the EC prison server since it started and i have played on many other prison servers so i know how they run and i know the rules and can follow and enforce them well

    Time your online : Usually 3-7 hours but recently around 2-4 since im moving

    Why you want to become a mod : Well id like to become a mod since ive been online many times recently and no mods,trialmods or admins have been on (prob diff timezones) and since alot of people tend to break the rules when it comes to spamming language ect. Id like to be there to enforce these rules and make sure that they are followed

    This has been my Trial Mod Application

    #68220 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. Rude. I have seen you committing chat offenses
    2. I have never seen you help anyone
    3. Connecting and not finding moderators is not a good enough reason
    4. If you see a person breaking the rules, report them. This way, you will be enforcing the rules and give your application better chances of being accepted, all done whilst being a member
    5. Inactive on the forums

    #68225 Score: 0



    ill admit ive been rude on the chat

    i actually do help people guess you just havent seen me ask tako if you want

    ill admit its not the best reason

    i actually do enforce the rules as a member in the chat atleast when people break the pg-13 rules or the language rule

    i havent ever been that active on forums ive started doing so recently

    thansk for the feed back ill make sure to improve!

    #68226 Score: 0

    It’s best if you don’t reply to every vote. Trust me.

    #68231 Score: 0


    Red i’m sorry to say this but Vote Down. We also need more reasons besides you just handling the chat issues. There are WAY more issues then that.

    Sorry Red,


    #81219 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Inactive Denied

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