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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #104820 Score: 0


    Your In-Game Name: El_Reptar
    Who breaks the rule: i dont know (bug)
    Date of offense: Monday 27 of April
    Reason of reporting: for refund
    Game/Server: Prison Server
    More Details about his/her offense: I was just on vacation swimming together with my family bondings within friday to sunday so its 3 days and now April 27 Monday. I came back for an Extention because I remembered that it nears for an expiration thats why I came back for, and to extend my bm room and I was fully rent my bm on max 4 days in last friday . And when I opened for an extend I just shocked my all items in chests was gone my hardworks pains mining getting Diamonds,golds,irons,emerald to sell it. and seeing for the sign that It remains 1 day thats why i needed refund (for this kind of bug?).
    Evidence: (Proofs like screenshots or videos)

    Thank You For taking up your time to read about this (bug) ,
    I just want to play more that I getting addicted of this server,
    and i just wanted to stay EC forever

    #104822 Score: 0

    1 pt

    sorry but there is no proof of what you have lost nor what was in your black market

    #104842 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Ender you are full of crap. You dont even know what happened yet you act like you do. El_reptar i will move your old bm to your new one

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