[Refund Request] Recent Plot Issue
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Tagged: Lost all suddenly
This topic contains 58 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by cookie_monst3r 9 years, 3 months ago.
Lost stuffs:-17 picks (P10)
-P1-P9 Collection (1xP1-1xP2-1xP3-1xP4-1xP5-1xP6-1xP7-1xP8-1xP9)
-2 Furius pickaxe
-9 stacks x64: K cures
-2 stacks x64: K mods(Mark of death)
-3 full big chest (162 stacks): Diamond blocks
-3 full big chest (162 stacks): Gold blocks
-3 full big chest (162 stacks): Iron blocks
-2 full big chest (104 stacks): Coal blocks-60 Bloody swords (approximately)
-Old trade cupon
-23 Borncorp shards (_jjpirate_ gave me the shards)
-3 Weekly trade cupon
-2 scythe
-1 special axe (iron)
-1 Special turret
-1 turret
-3 Christmass gun
– 1 Demonic cannon tier 3
–2 panda swords
-Legend pickaxe
-Ugprade ingredient 2Impressive right?
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
“-60 Bloody swords (approximately)” How the heck manage to get 60 bloody swords..? It sounds like lies to me .-.
It is hard to believe, i know, but I have a lot of time playing and killing people in prison, i’m just telling the truth, I do not need all bloody swords,
but they are my trophy :3@AnderZENZ
don’t worry.. We still have the logs that we can use if we see suspicious items like thatvishu101
Lost things :
Hero pickaxe
p10 pick
5 born corp shard (4 or 5 i think not sure)
3 weekly trade
2 omega shards 1 squirtle 1 max 2 clockspeed shards
3-5 stacks of diamond
2-3 stacks of emerald
deadly sythe (weekly trade thingy)
rank l armor (4 sets)
3 op swords
1 bloody sword
some random pickaxe i got by killing someone (i think it was p4, since it was renamed)
12 MoDs (rank j)
cures 24 ( i think (rank k))
32 hooks (rank l)
57 darts (rank k)
all the main things i could remember, still tons of things missing i cant think of rn.Refunded
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
Im not sure if my lost p10 is 3-4 sorry :3
Plot: /p h stealth_radars (My alt which has most of my stuff..)
I honestly don’t remember all of it, but the important stuff being:
-About 5 God Diamond Swords
-1 P1 pickaxe
-1 P2 pickaxe (Mostly sure I had it there)
-1 set of D armor
-1 set of E armor
-I helmet, I chestplate, I Leggings
-1 stack of gold ore
-Roughly 30 gold blocks
-OP Diamond Sword (Sharpness 12 kind, not to be confused with sharpness 15 kind)
-3 EmeraldDonor pickaxes (The OLD kind, with eff 5 fortune 3 unb 3, not the newer, more OP ones)
-3 Prison Reset Axes
That’s all I can remember for now. I’ll do other stuff later.Refunded
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
TGN: TaeGamerLol
Lost Stuffs
1 P10
8 blocks stacks coal
10 blocks stacks diamond
15 blocks stacks emerald
7 blocks stacks gold
1 summerblade tier 1
1 borncopshard
1 torret tier 2
10 bloodysword
10 opswords
1 pick p1
1 pick p3
10 cures K
32 darts LPD: I lived in the plot with Tecnomenx
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
12 double chests emerald blocks
18 double chests diamond blocks
8 double chests gold blocks
2 1/2 double chests gold ore
1 chest iron ore
4 double chests iron blocks
1 chest netherrack
2 double chest sandstone
1 double chest rank b sand
5 stacks dirt
1 double chest melon blocks
9 bloody swords 15 god swords 2 panda swords
10 furious pickaxes
4 p10 pickaxes
3-4 p8 pickaxes
4-5 p7 pickaxes
4 p6 pickaxes
1 p2 pickaxe
2 p3 pickaxe
5 legend pickaxes
5 hero pickaxes
1 tier 5 (emerald donor) pickaxe
1 tier 2 summer sword
1 soul taker
1 ancient soul taker
2 ancient bows
16-20 arrows
1 1/2 double chest firecharges
1 double chest misc. enchanted pickaxes
1 chest misc. enchanted axes
2 stacks birch sapplings
3 stacks oak sapplings
1 stack jungle sappling
3 stacks god apples
16 apples
72 eggs
10 sets l armor
4 stacks glowstone blocks
1 double chest redstone blocks
1 double chest granite blocks
1 double chest misc enchanted swords (voter/op)
1 double chest birch leaves
5 double chest coal blocks
1 double chest quartz blockRefunded
This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
This reply has been marked as private.ign:Totoyse
4 Largest chest Full Emerald
5 stack Emerald Block
2 p10 pickaxe
2 p3 pickaxe
4 Weekly Trade
1 Old Trade coupon
4 p2 pickaxe
2 Largest chest full Diamond
5 stack Rank k shiv
39 rank k cure
5 Stack Rank k darts
6 Rank l armor set
2 Bloody Sword
25 Mark of death
2 borncorp shard
1 squirtle shard
1 omegatron shard
3 stack rank l hooks
2 stack pumpkin
4 stack Wood
5 stack iron block
15 Stack gold block
2 furius pickaxe
1 stack rank l ironIGN:BurnthatRYAN
But Im not sure with everything
Lost Stuff:
33 Borncorp Shards
24 Weekly Trade Coupons
and some random shards I cant remember how much8 Stacks of Diamond Blocks
7 Stacks of Emerald Blocks
29 Stacks of Gold Blocks
14 Stacks of Iron Blocks8 P10 Pickaxe
1 Ultra Pickaxe
3 P5 Pickaxe
1 P7 Pickaxe
And A lot of Undine,Gaia and Standard Pickaxes
3 P1 Pickaxe
4 P2 Pickaxe6 Stacks of K Darts
1 Stack of L Darts
3 Stacks of K Cures
1 Stack of Mark Of Death (MOD)
7 Stacks of K Shiv
3 Stacks of K PickPocketting
2 Stacks of L Hooks23 OP Swords
11 Undine Swords
2 Salamander Swords9 Stacks Of Steak
24 Stacks of Diamond
7 Stacks of Emerald
52 Stacks of Iron Ingots
43 Stacks of Gold Ingots3 2014 Christmas Gun
And a lot of Lucky Eggs8 Premium Crates
12 Ancient CratesClock Im sorry Im gonna repost again mine cuz theres some items that I found cuz I tought its lost
Pick axe
3-4 P10 ( sorry I dont know exactly how many it is)
2 Legendary Pick (1 Have the Name 1 Dont)
1 Tier 6 (Emerald Pickaxe)
1 P7
1 P6
1 P5
1 P4
1 P3
1 P2
1 P1I lost lots of my items in my plot, but all i really want back is my double chest full of gia/zeus picks and my L armor. I lost more but idc about the rest. I also want my unbreaking 3 lure 2 fishing rod back, along with an eff 5 unbreaking 3 axe.
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
Honestly i can’t remember all the exact and minor things but i havent sold anything to rank up. All the money i got from rank up was by people <3. Anyways
Lost Items:
Full Chest + 18 Stacks of Diamond Block
7 Stacks of Diamond
18 Stacks of Emerald Block
12 Stacks of Emerald
9 Stacks of Gold Block
7 Stacks of Gold
12 Stacks of Iron Block
7 Stacks of Iron
3 Chest of Gold Ores
1 Chest of Iron Ores
8 Stacks of Redstone Block
18 Stacks of Lapis Block
12 Stack of Quartz Block
8 Stacks of Coal
6 Stacks of Fire chargeTools/Armor
A few L Armor
1 I armor
Salamander sword
This bloodied sword or something
P6 Pickaxe
Emerald Tier 6 Pickaxe
2 Voter woodaxe
6 Rank K pickpocket
Standard sharp 5 sword or something like that
Few normal bows
A few random enchanted pickaxesNormal Blocks
1 Chest of Prismarine
2 stacks of the acacia woodMisc
Alot of Mob Heads
5 Stacks of Zombie Flesh
I had one of the shards, i think its clock shard.
4 of each of the core from the halloween thingy
5 Stacks of String
Im not sure if i had arrows
2 Stacks of Spider EyesThese are all that i can remember for now. Some are slightly inaccurate. But theres not huge difference. If its in the logs, hopefully just the amount in the logs can be refunded. Thanks
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
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