Reliability of the New Donor Pause Law
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This topic contains 28 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Wither 9 years, 5 months ago.
AnonymousGreetings to everyone!
Now, we all know that on 3rd September 2015 12.49pm UTC, a new law regarding Donor Pauses was passed. This law states that Donor Pauses are no longer allowed. The problem is that many problems arouses from this. Here are a few:
Firstly: It is now common for people to buy off donors from other people. This is alright. However, what if the donor decides to donate not on the starting date that was agreed between the donor and the donatee? This is still considered donor scam, and can piss people off.
Secondly: We dont know our schedule for the near future most of the time (This applies mostly to 3-month donors), if the busy schedule suddenly pops up at the last minute, we want to pause it, but cant anymore, because this is unforseen…
Thirdly: Some donors currently are still paused (Grassfae is one of those).
Fourthly: The law is on 3rd September 2015, and ONLY donations after this date will be under the new law, the old donations made before this new law is still under the old law, where donor pauses are still allowed. This argument came about due to Ander’s Donor Pause request, 1 day before the law came about.
Fifthly: This will limit the flexibility of donors, and may end up cancelling larger donations. Example: My June Holidays is 3 weeks long (6 June 2015 to 28th June 2015) while my current September Holidays is 1 week long (4th September 2015 to 13th September 2015), totaling 1 month of holidays. If donor pauses are not allowed, to cover the entire holidays, I need to buy (Lets say I want iron donor), 1 month + 1 fortnight Iron Donor, which equals to US$8.50, but wasting 2 weeks of donor in the process, which is worth US$3.50. This is clearly not worth to us donors, so we end up leaving 1 week from each holiday donor-free, and buy only the bi-weekly donor in the 3 week holiday. However, if donor pauses are allowed, we can end up buying 1 month of iron donor, spread accross the 3 week holiday and the 1 week holiday, with no donor to waste, and its worth US$5.00. So by passing this new law, you have effectively lost US$1.50 in donations. This is an example on how you are driving donors away. And again, small amounts can add up to a large amount, and if one of these small amounts somehow is required to cover the hosting costs, we wont have enough and can end up in big trouble. Think, before you do anything reckless like this.
Sixthly: Always obtain feedback from players before passing new laws, this will make sure the server is maximally optimised. Real Examples: Countries obtaining feedback from their people are more successful than countries who doesnt obtain feedback from their people (Democracy vs Communism)
With those 6 pointers above, I will like to suggest to enable donor pauses, but impose and enforce stricter rules and punishments against abusers.
‘Again, You are making a donation – Wither’ – Sure, but there are donation rules, and we follow the rules at the time of donation, and updated rules will not apply, unless the donor gives permission to follow the updated rules, or the rules says so – which isnt stated :), which obviously will not happen here.
Please post your feedback and suggestions below.
Thank you.
The rule applies wether you like it or not. You’re not one to decide wether a rule applies or not, and you can decide not to follow it, but face the consequences afterwards.
The homepage topic clearly states that it has been disabled to prevent further abuse of some sort, as it has been abused alot, apparently.
It’s understandable that this may sound annoying, not being able to control when your donor resumes or not being able to stop it when your mom suddenly appears infront of you (a wild one, just for you melee49) and says you’re going out for a month.
That’s a nasty situation, but it is how it is. Try asking your parents if they have anything planned anytime soon, and don’t donate if you know you’ll have exams that’ll keep you from playing, etc…, if you want to use your donor to it’s full potential.
Hope this clears out your ‘law’ problem.
AnonymousWell zero, the rule didn’t say that old donor should follow new or old rules… Plus, some donors are currently still paused… Rather, instead of disabling it, impose restrictions (like a date limit or something)
Also, you know how schools are jerks. They suddenly impose random events and you miss out on everything, my mom tells me the future plans early, since she’s an early bird, but schools aren’t.
The thing is, you can argue with your parents, but not with the school, which makes this nasty problem even worse…
Rather, example of my solution: Donor can be paused only x number of times (maybe 1-3?) and donor pauses can only be as long as z days (maybe 2 weeks/14 days?), if the donor pause ends, whether or not you are free to play, donor term just resumes, without your permission (of course notify the player). I think this is a better solution…
XZero..what if i donated and my pc breaks down the next day
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
Donating just because you want the permission becomes buying the rank.
I can just set up a server and people donate some money but I don’t give them anything other than coloured name and some money only.
Donating is just volunteering to help the server financially. Not for you to play with the permission.
For reasons such as lost days from PC breakdown or some private reason they should be refunded of the days.
Kinda unfair to those donating.
Inactivity in general should not be the reason for donor pause. Only valid reaosn like what trevish gave.
(Donating just for the sake of the special permission defeats the purpose of donating)
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
AnonymousDragon, the perks ‘lure’ us to donate, but, in order to make sure the money is well spent, we must use the donor perks wisely to the full potential. That’s why we only donate at specific parts of the year. If we cant make use of that, we are practically wasting money, I could have spent the money on other lavish stuffs (such as holidays). This will drive donors away, and the server wont be helped financially, hindering the growth of it…
Think, before you do.
P.S. Trevish, good point. That will end up being a waste of money, and its obviously unforeseen, because we cant easily predict when our pc’s breaks down…
Edit: Reply to Dragon’s Edit: Good point, but, can these people be reliable? And if so, where is the proof/evidence? You know people can lie through it (Or be private, if its because of funeral or etc.)
The thing is, inactivity (due to unforeseen school events) can still be given donor pauses, because, again its unforeseen.
The unfortunate thing is that majority of donors donate just for the perks, not the server finances…
Should Donor Pause be allowed?
– cannot predict unforseen circumstances when there will be unjusted inactivity because of PC breakdown etc
– enjoy the perks at the fullest potential otherwise waste moneyAgainst:
– defeats purpose of donating
– donating just for the perks becomes buying ranks(Copy and paste, place your comments in the relevant section)
AnonymousGreat, welcome to Social Studies…
Feel free to correct me but to donate is:
“do·nate\ˈdō-ˌnāt, dō-ˈ\
: to give (money, food, clothes, etc.) in order to help a person or organization.”
and the perks and ranks are given just to give thanks for helping the server out.Exactly that’s why I said I can set up a server, when people donates I give them nothing except some in game money and coloured names.
Donating for the sake of the perks becomes buying and loses the purpose of donating
AnonymousAgain, here is my proposed solution:
Donor can be paused only x number of times (maybe 1-3?) and donor pauses can only be as long as z days (maybe 2 weeks/14 days?), if the donor pause ends, whether or not you are free to play, donor term just resumes, without your permission (of course notify the player).
I think this is a better solution… feel free to propose a new solution or vote on it…
AnonymousDragon, you said that in another server you play on, their donation is techinally buying the rank, right? People can use that excuse to do the same here, which makes it so ambiguous…
That one is considered in game purchases. Like the WE Tokena, old trade token etc
AnonymousTechinally, donor ranks are also in-game purchases, because you are paying real money to receive a package of perks. But, they are limited duration, which makes the word ‘lease’ more correct in this sense…
Should Donor Pause be allowed?
– cannot predict unforseen circumstances when there will be unjusted inactivity because of PC breakdown etc
– enjoy the perks at the fullest potential otherwise waste money
– pausing donor not much problem since there is the templateAgainst:
– defeats purpose of donating
– donating just for the perks becomes buying ranks
– the server gives perks to donor to thank them
– considered an in app purchase, you use it when you want to use it. Hence is it temporary(Copy and paste, place your comments in the relevant section)
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
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