Ore Party Timing Reference – Listed by country


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    Ore Party is on Saturday 3am and 3pm Server Time, which is in the UTC-3.50 Time Zone, which corrsponds to Saturday 6.50am and 6.50pm UTC.

    Note: This is the format:


    *List of Countries*

    *Ore Party Timings*

    Note: This is updated regularly. Check back here for updated information.

    Note: UTC=GMT (No DST for both), London in the UK uses GMT (UTC) in the winter and BST (UTC+1) in the summer due to the European Union’s DST. GMT is a timezone, while UTC is a time standard. Be warned that PMT (Paris Meridian Time) is GMT+0.09.21.

    Note: Upcoming timezone and DST changes can be found at http://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/events.html

    Warning: Information presented below may be incorrect. Please refer to reliable sources such as http://www.timeanddate.com for the correct timezone of your country of residence.

    Ore Party Dates (Saturday Dates):

    12th September 2015

    10th October 2015

    7th November 2015

    5th December 2015

    2nd January 2016

    30th January 2016

    27th February 2016

    26th March 2016

    23rd April 2016

    21st May 2016

    18th June 2016

    16th July 2016

    13th August 2016

    10th September 2016

    8th October 2016

    5th November 2016

    3rd December 2016

    31st December 2016

    28th January 2017

    25th February 2017

    25th March 2017

    22nd April 2017

    20th May 2017

    17th June 2017

    15th July 2017

    12th August 2017

    9th September 2017

    7th October 2017

    4th November 2017

    2nd December 2017

    30th December 2017

    All timezones are in the respective Hemisphere Winter, DST is stated below:

    UTC-12.00 (Nobody lives here):

    As standard time (all year round):

    Baker Island and Howland Island (uninhabited islands belonging to the United States).

    Ore party will be held at Friday 6.50pm and Saturday 6.50am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    American Samoa (US) – SST – Samoa Standard Time

    Niue (NZ) – NUT – Niue Time

    Midway Atoll (US Territory with temporarily stationed staff), Jarvis Island and Palmyra Atoll (uninhabited US Territories)

    Ore party will be held at Friday 7.50pm and Saturday 7.50am.


    Hawaii–Aleutian Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    United States
    – Alaska
    — Aleutian Islands (Alaska west of 169° 30′ West)

    As standard time (all year round):

    Cook Islands (NZ)

    French Polynesia
    – Society Islands including Tahiti,
    – Tuamotu Archipelago, and
    – Austral and Bass Islands

    United States (Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone)
    – Hawaii
    – Johnston Atoll

    Ore party will be held at Friday 8.50pm and Saturday 8.50am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    French Polynesia
    – Marquesas Islands

    Ore party will be held at Friday 9.20pm and Saturday 9.20am.


    Alaska Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    United States (Alaska Time Zone)
    – Alaska (except for Annette Island and the Aleutian Islands lying west of −169.5° (169°30′ W) longitude)
    – Samalga Island, at longitude 169°12′W, is the westernmost area of Alaska that observes UTC−9, but is far west of the theoretical zone limits (−142.5° to -127.5° longitude). Its position equates to a mean solar time of UTC−11:17.

    Hawaii–Aleutian Daylight Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):
    United States
    – Alaska – Aleutian Islands only

    As standard time (all year round):

    French Polynesia
    – Gambier Islands

    Ore party will be held at Friday 9.50pm and Saturday 9.50am.


    Pacific Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    – British Columbia (most of province)
    – Yukon

    – Baja California

    United States
    – California
    – Idaho (northern section)
    – Nevada (most of state)
    – Oregon (most of state)
    – Washington

    Alaska Daylight Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):

    United States
    – Alaska (except for Aleutian Islands) (Alaska Time Zone)

    As standard time (all year round):

    – Northwest Territories
    — Tungsten and the associated Cantung Mine

    – Clarion Island, westernmost island of Revillagigedo Islands.

    – Clipperton Island

    United Kingdom
    – Pitcairn Islands

    Ore party will be held at Friday 10.50pm and Saturday 10.50am.


    Mountain Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    – Alberta
    – British Columbia (southeastern region)
    – Northwest Territories (most of territory)
    – Nunavut (western)
    – Saskatchewan – only Lloydminster and surrounding area

    United States
    – All of Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
    – All of Navajo Nation, extending into Arizona
    – Most of Idaho (southern section)
    – Western parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Texas
    – Southwestern parts of North Dakota
    – Small parts in east of Oregon and Nevada

    – Baja California Sur
    – Chihuahua (adopted UTC−07 in 1998)
    – Nayarit (most of state)
    – Sinaloa

    Pacific Daylight Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):

    – British Columbia (most of province)
    – Yukon

    – Baja California

    United States
    – All of California and Washington
    – Most of Nevada and Oregon
    – Northern section of Idaho

    As year-round time:

    – The portion of the Peace River Valley in British Columbia

    United States
    – Arizona, except the Arizona Navajo Nation, which does observe DST

    – Sonora
    – Revillagigedo Islands except Clarion Island

    Ore party will be held at Friday 11.50pm and Saturday 11.50am.


    Central Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    – Manitoba
    – Nunavut (central)
    – Ontario (western)

    United States
    – Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Wisconsin, Oklahoma
    – Most of Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Most of Tennessee, Most of Texas
    – Western portions of Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan
    – Small portions of Indiana

    – All of the states, plus the Federal District (except Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Nayarit, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, and Sonora)

    Mountain Daylight Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):

    – Alberta
    – British Columbia (southeastern region)
    – Northwest Territories (most of territory)
    – Nunavut (western)
    – Saskatchewan – only Lloydminster and surrounding area

    United States
    – Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
    – Navajo Nation, extending into Arizona
    – Most of Idaho (southern section)
    – Western parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas
    – Southwestern parts of North Dakota
    – Small parts in east of Oregon and Nevada

    – Baja California Sur
    – Chihuahua
    – Nayarit (most of state)
    – Sinaloa

    As standard time (all year round):

    Central America
    – Belize
    – Costa Rica
    – El Salvador
    – Guatemala
    – Honduras
    – Nicaragua

    East Pacific
    – Ecuador
    — Galápagos Province

    North America
    – Canada
    — Saskatchewan (except Lloydminster and surrounding area)

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 12.50am and Saturday 12.50pm.


    Eastern Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    – Nunavut (eastern), most of Ontario and most of Quebec

    United States
    – All of Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia
    – Most of Florida, Indiana, and Michigan
    – Eastern parts of Kentucky and Tennessee
    – Unofficial use in several communities in Russell County, Alabama, including Phenix City. Although the legal time for all of Alabama during the standard time period is Central Time (UTC–6), Phenix City and its surrounding communities informally synchronize their clocks with the considerably larger city of Columbus, Georgia, directly across the Chattahoochee River from Phenix City.

    – Dominican Republic
    – The Bahamas
    – Cuba
    – Haiti

    Central Daylight Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):

    – Manitoba, Nunavut (central), Ontario (western)

    United States
    – All of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin
    – Most of Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas
    – Western portions of Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan

    – Central and eastern areas (most of country except Quintana Roo). In most of Mexico, daylight time starts a few weeks after the United States. Communities on the U.S. border that observe Central Time follow the U.S. daylight time schedule.

    Standard time all year round:

    Canada – Southampton Island only

    – Cayman Islands (UK) – To observe DST from 2016
    – Jamaica

    – Quintana Roo

    Central and South America
    – Panama
    – Colombia
    – Ecuador (mainland, excluding Galápagos)
    – Peru
    – Brazil – Acre and southwestern part of Amazonas state, around Eirunepé
    – Chile – Easter Island.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 1.50am and Saturday 1.50pm.


    Venezuelan Standard Time (all year round):


    Ore party will be held at Saturday 2.20am and Saturday 2.20pm.


    Atlantic Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    Greenland (Denmark) (Kalaallit Nunaat) – Thule Air Base (observes United States daylight saving time rules)
    – (not Qaanaaq and other Greenlandic settlements in the area, they observe same time as Nuuk, standard time UTC−03:00)

    – All of New Brunswick (legally offset from GMT), Nova Scotia (legally offset from GMT), Prince Edward Island
    – Newfoundland and Labrador – most of Labrador

    Bermuda (UK)

    Eastern Daylight Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):

    – Nunavut (eastern), most of Ontario and most of Quebec

    United States
    – All of Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia
    – Most of Florida, Indiana, Michigan
    – Eastern parts of Kentucky, Tennessee
    – Unofficial use in several communities in Russell County, Alabama, including Phenix City. Although the legal time for all of Alabama from the last weeks of the northern winter to mid-autumn is Central Daylight Time (UTC–5), Phenix City and its surrounding communities informally synchronize their clocks with the considerably larger city of Columbus, Georgia, directly across the Chattahoochee River from Phenix City.





    Turks and Caicos Islands (UK) – Seems to not use DST anymore

    As standard time (all year round):

    Eastern Caribbean
    – Anguilla (UK)
    – Antigua and Barbuda
    – Barbados
    – Dominica
    – Grenada
    – Montserrat (UK)
    – Saint Kitts and Nevis
    – Saint Lucia
    – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    – Trinidad and Tobago
    – British Virgin Islands (UK)

    US territories
    – Puerto Rico (US)
    – U.S. Virgin Islands (US)

    Other Caribbean
    – Aruba (Netherlands)
    – Curaçao (Netherlands)
    – Dominican Republic
    – Guadeloupe (France)
    – Martinique (France)
    – Sint Maarten (Netherlands)

    South America
    – Bolivia
    – Guyana
    – Brazil – Amazonas (except southwestern portion), Rondônia, Roraima

    North America
    – Canada – Quebec (east of the 63°W longitude)

    As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter):

    South America
    – Brazil – Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul
    – Falkland Islands
    – Paraguay

    – Some bases in Antarctica.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 2.50am and Saturday 2.50pm.


    Newfoundland Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter only):

    – Newfoundland and Labrador
    — Labrador (southeastern),
    — Newfoundland

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 3.20am and Saturday 3.20pm.


    West Greenland Standard Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) – most of island, including south, west and northwest coasts, including Qaanaaq (except Thule Air Base) – observes European Union DST rules

    Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (France) – observes North American DST rules – sometimes called PMST, Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time

    Atlantic Daylight Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):

    – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Labrador except the southeastern tip south of Black Tickle, and the easternmost portions of Quebec

    Bermuda (UK)

    Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) – Thule Air Base – observes North American DST rules

    As standard time (all year round):


    French Guiana

    Brazil – Northern and Northeastern States
    – Alagoas, Amapá, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Pará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Tocantins


    Chile – mainland

    Falkland Islands

    Some bases on the Antarctic Peninsula and nearby islands.

    As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter):

    Brazil – Southern, Southeastern States
    – Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo


    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer):

    Brazil – Southwestern States
    – Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul


    Some bases on the Antarctic Peninsula and nearby islands.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 3.50am and Saturday 3.50pm.


    As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer only):

    Canada (NDT—Newfoundland Daylight Time)
    -Newfoundland and Labrador
    — Labrador (southeastern),
    — Newfoundland

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 4.20am and Saturday 4.20pm.


    As standard time (all year round):

    Brazil – Atlantic Islands – Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and Martim Vaz, etc.

    South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (UK)

    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer):

    Brazil – Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo


    Ore party will be held at Saturday 4.50am and Saturday 4.50pm.


    As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter):

    – Eastern Greenland (Ittoqqortoormiit and surrounding area – observes European Union DST rules)

    Azores (Portugal) since 1966, except in 1992–1993 winter (WET/UTC+00:00 used instead)

    As standard time (all year round):

    Cape Verde

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 5.50am and Saturday 5.50pm.


    UTC±00:00 is the following time:

    – Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the basis for the world’s civil time.
    – Western European Time (Ireland, Portugal and UK).

    Western European Time (Northern Hemisphere winter only):

    – Alderney
    – Canary Islands; observes European Union DST rules
    – Faroe Islands
    – Guernsey
    – Herm
    – Ireland
    – Isle of Man
    – Jersey
    – Portugal (with the exception of the Azores, which use UTC−01 with DST)
    – Sark
    – United Kingdom (GMT / BST)

    – Morocco (No DST in Ramadan month)

    Summer Time (Northern Hemisphere summer only):

    Greenland – an eastern region around Ittoqqortoormiit (Scoresbysund)

    Portugal – the Azores only

    As standard time (all year round):

    The following is a list of places that use UTC as their standard time and do not observe Daylight saving time:

    West Africa:
    – Burkina Faso
    – Côte d’Ivoire
    – The Gambia
    – Ghana
    – Guinea
    – Guinea-Bissau
    – Liberia
    – Mali
    – Mauritania
    – São Tomé and Príncipe
    – Senegal
    – Sierra Leone
    – Togo
    – Western Sahara

    Atlantic Islands:

    – northeastern
    — Danmarkshavn and surrounding area


    Saint Helena, Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha (to UK)

    – Some bases in Antarctica.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 6.50am and Saturday 6.50pm.


    UTC+1:00 is used in:

    – Central European Time
    – West Africa Time
    – Western European Summer Time
    — British Summer Time
    — Irish Standard Time
    – Romance Standard Time (Microsoft Windows Control panel)
    – Swatch Internet Time

    Central European Time (Northern Hemisphere winter):





    Bosnia and Herzegovina


    Czech Republic

    Denmark (except Faroe Islands and Greenland)

    France (mainland only, excludes other territories)


    Gibraltar (UK)










    Norway, including: Svalbard and Jan Mayen


    San Marino




    Spain – except Canary Islands



    Vatican City

    Western European Summer Time (Northern Hemisphere summer):


    Faroe Islands



    Isle of Man



    Portugal – except Azores


    Spain – Canary Islands only

    United Kingdom (GMT / BST)

    As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter):


    As standard time (all year round):





    Central African Republic


    Republic of the Congo

    Democratic Republic of the Congo:
    – Bandundu
    – Bas-Congo
    – Équateur
    – Kinshasa

    Equatorial Guinea





    Ore party will be held at Saturday 7.50am and Saturday 7.50pm.


    As standard time (all year round):


    Russia – Kaliningrad Time

    Central Africa Time:



    Democratic Republic of the Congo (eastern half)
    – Kasai-Occidental, Kasai-Oriental, Katanga, Maniema, Nord-Kivu, Orientale, Sud-Kivu






    South Africa (SAST – South Africa Standard Time)




    As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter only):

    Eastern European Time – Territories observing European Union DST rules:




    Finland (including Åland)








    Territories observing other DST rules:

    Egypt – No DST in Ramadan month



    Palestinian territories


    As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer only):

    Central European Summer Time





    Bosnia and Herzegovina


    Czech Republic




    Gibraltar (UK)










    Norway, including: Svalbard and Jan Mayen


    San Marino




    Spain (except Canary Islands)



    Vatican City

    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer only):


    Ore party will be held at Saturday 8.50am and Saturday 8.50pm.


    As standard time (all year round):


    Further-eastern European Time (FET)

    Most of European Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov on Don, Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land. From October 26, 2014 Moscow and most other parts of European Russia started using UTC+3 again, all year around.

    Besides the names mentioned above, the name ‘Eastern Europe Forward Time’ (EEFT) is sometimes used.

    – Russia – Moscow Time
    – All railroad time in Russia, including railroad in Kaliningrad Oblast.

    East Africa Time







    Mayotte (France) and Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean (Bassas da India, Europa Island, Juan de Nova Island)


    South Sudan




    Arabia Standard Time

    Arabia Standard Time, or AST, is used by some countries in the Middle East. As this time zone is predominantly in the equatorial region, there is no significant change in day length throughout the year, so daylight saving time is not observed. Arabia Standard Time is used by the following countries:




    Saudi Arabia



    As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer only):

    Eastern European Summer Time – Territories observing European Union DST rules


    Cyprus (including Akrotiri and Dhekelia (UK) and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)


    Finland (including Åland)








    Middle East – observing various DST rules

    Egypt – No DST in Ramadan month




    Palestinian territories


    Ore party will be held at Saturday 9.50am and Saturday 9.50pm.


    As standard time – Northern Hemisphere winter:

    South Asia

    Iran – Iran Standard Time (IRST)

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 10.20am and Saturday 10.20pm.

    UTC+4.00 (Persian Gulf Standard Time):

    As standard time (all year round):

    Eastern Europe

    Russia – Samara Time

    Western Asia

    Georgia – Georgia moved from zone UTC+04 to UTC+03 on June 27, 2004, then back to UTC+04 on March 27, 2005


    United Arab Emirates – United Arab Emirates Standard Time



    Seychelles – Seychelles Time

    Mauritius – Mauritius Time – Mauritius tried DST in 2008 but decided not to continue

    Réunion (France)

    As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter only):

    Western Asia

    Azerbaijan – Azerbaijan Time

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 10.50am and Saturday 10.50pm.


    As standard time (all year round):

    Central Asia


    As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer):

    Middle East

    Iran – Iran Daylight Time (IRDT)

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 11.20am and Saturday 11.20pm.


    As standard time (all year round):

    North Asia

    Russia – Yekaterinburg Time

    Central Asia

    Kazakhstan (western part) – Aktobe Region, Atyrau Region, Mangystau Region, West Kazakhstan Region




    South Asia

    Pakistan – Pakistan Standard Time

    Indian Ocean


    France – French Southern and Antarctic Lands

    Australia – Heard and MacDonald Islands

    Antarctica – Some bases in Antarctica.

    As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer only):

    Eastern Europe

    Azerbaijan – Azerbaijan Summer Time

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 11.50am and Saturday 11.50pm.


    As standard time (all year round):

    South Asia

    India (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai) – Indian Standard Time

    Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka Standard Time

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 12.20pm and Sunday 12.20am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    South Asia

    Nepal – Nepal Time since 1986
    – This is an approximation of Kathmandu mean time, which is 5:41:16 ahead of UTC.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 12.35pm and Sunday 12.35am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    North Asia

    Russia – Omsk Time

    Central Asia

    Kazakhstan – Time in Kazakhstan most of country (including Astana and Almaty)

    Kyrgyzstan – Kyrgyzstan Time

    East Asia

    China – Xinjiang (unofficially)

    South Asia

    Bhutan – Bhutan Time

    Bangladesh – previously used this as standard time and UTC+07:00 as daylight saving time in 2009

    British Indian Ocean Territory – including Chagos Archipelago and Diego Garcia

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 12.50pm and Sunday 12.50am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    Southeast Asia

    Myanmar – Myanmar Standard Time

    Indian Ocean

    Cocos Islands (Australia)

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 1.20pm and Sunday 1.20am.

    UTC+7.00 (Indochina Time – ICT):

    As standard time (all year round)

    North Asia

    Russia – Krasnoyarsk Time

    East Asia

    It is considered the westernmost time zone in East Asia.

    Mongolia (western part) – Western part including Hovd

    Southeast Asia




    Thailand – Thailand Standard Time

    Indonesia – Indonesia Western Time
    – Central Kalimantan, Java, Sumatra, West Kalimantan

    Australia – Christmas Island Time
    – Christmas Island

    Antarctica – Some bases in Antarctica.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 1.50pm and Sunday 1.50am.

    UTC+8.00 (Potential ASEAN Common Time Zone – ACT):

    As standard time (all year round):

    North Asia

    Russia – Irkutsk Time

    East Asia

    China (Mainland) – China Standard Time (Beijing Time)

    Hong Kong – Hong Kong Time (Hong Kong Standard Time)

    Macau – Macao Time (Macao Standard Time)

    Mongolia (most of the country) – Time in Mongolia (DST is reinstated)

    Taiwan – National Standard Time

    Southeast Asia

    Philippines – Philippine Standard Time

    Brunei – Brunei Darussalam Standard Time

    Malaysia – Malaysia Standard Time

    Singapore – Singapore Standard Time

    East Timor

    Indonesia (Central areas) – Indonesia Central Time
    – East and South Kalimantan
    – Lesser Sunda Islands
    – Sulawesi


    Australia – Western Standard Time (AWST)
    – Western Australia

    Principality of Hutt River

    Antarctica – Some bases in Antarctica.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 2.50pm and Sunday 2.50am.

    The following Timezone will be with effect from 15 August 2015:

    UTC+8.30 (Pyongyang Timezone):

    As standard time (all year round):

    East Asia

    North Korea – Pyongyang Standard Time

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 3.20pm and Sunday 3.20am.

    UTC+8.45 (Unoffical Time Zone):

    UTC+8:45 is used as a time in Australia (Central Western Time, or CWT). It is used by some roadhouses along the Eyre Highway in Western Australia and South Australia. Although it is not an official, government mandated timezone, the boundaries where it commences and ends are clearly defined and are usually shown on road maps of the area.

    UTC+8:45 is used in 5 places in Australia, including Border Village in South Australia, as well as Caiguna, Eucla, Madura and Mundrabilla in Western Australia. It is included in the tz database with designator Australia/Eucla.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 3.35pm and Sunday 3.35am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    North Asia

    Russia – Yakutsk Time

    East Asia

    Japan – Japan Standard Time

    South Korea – Korea Standard Time



    Southeast Asia

    Indonesia (eastern) – Indonesia Eastern Time
    – Moluccas
    – Papua and West Papua (Indonesian New Guinea)

    East Timor

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 3.50pm and Sunday 3.50am.


    As standard time (all year round):


    Australia – Central Standard Time (ACST)
    – Northern Territory

    As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter):


    Australia – Central Standard Time (ACST)
    – New South Wales – Yancowinna County (including Broken Hill)
    – South Australia

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 4.20pm and Sunday 4.20am.


    As standard time (all year round)

    North Asia

    Russia – Vladivostok Time


    United States – Chamorro Time Zone
    – Guam (territory)
    – Northern Mariana Islands (commonwealth)

    Federated States of Micronesia
    – Chuuk, Yap and surrounding area

    Papua New Guinea

    Australia – Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
    – Queensland

    Antarctica – Some bases in Antarctica.

    As standard time (Southern hemisphere winter only):


    Australia – Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
    – Australian Capital Territory
    – New South Wales (except Broken Hill and Lord Howe Island)
    – Tasmania
    – Victoria

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 4.50pm and Sunday 4.50am.


    As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter):


    – Lord Howe Island (DST is 30 minutes)

    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer):


    Australia – Central Daylight Time (ACDT)
    – New South Wales – Broken Hill only
    – South Australia

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 5.20pm and Sunday 5.20am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    North Asia

    Russia – Srednekolymsk Time


    Federated States of Micronesia
    – Kosrae, Pohnpei and surrounding area

    Solomon Islands


    New Caledonia

    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer):


    Australia – Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)
    – Australian Capital Territory
    – New South Wales (except Broken Hill; but including Lord Howe Island, which is UTC+10:30 in winter – DST of 30 minutes)
    – Tasmania
    – Victoria

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 5.50pm and Sunday 5.50am.


    As standard time (all year round):


    Australia – Norfolk (Island) Time
    – Norfolk Island

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 6.20pm and Sunday 6.20am.


    As standard time (all year round):

    North Asia

    Russia – Kamchatka Time
    – Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
    – Kamchatka Krai

    Wake Island (US)

    Marshall Islands

    – Gilbert Islands and Banaba



    Wallis and Futuna (France)

    As standard time (winter in Southern Hemisphere):



    New Zealand (except for the Chatham Islands) – New Zealand Standard Time

    Antarctica – Some bases in Antarctica, including McMurdo and South Pole.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 6.50pm and Sunday 6.50am.


    As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter):


    New Zealand – Chatham Standard Time
    – Chatham Islands

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 7.35pm and Sunday 7.35am.


    As standard time (all year round):


    – Phoenix Islands (only Kanton Island is inhabited) – Phoenix Islands Time



    As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter):



    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer):



    New Zealand – New Zealand Daylight Time


    Some bases in Antarctica, in particular South Pole and McMurdo Station. These places are the first in the world to see the sun at New Year, since the sun is up at midnight at that time of the year.

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 7.50pm and Sunday 7.50am.


    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer):


    New Zealand – Chatham Daylight Time
    – Chatham Islands

    Ore party will be held at Saturday 8.35pm and Sunday 8.35am.


    As standard time (all year round):


    – Line Islands – including Kiritimati (Christmas Island)
    — The IANA time zone database zone identifier is Pacific/Kiritimati.

    As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer):



    Ore party will be held at Saturday 8.50pm and Sunday 8.50am.

    DST Rules (All on local timings):

    To be filled up later (For the Americas).



    South Australia, New South Wales (Yancowinna County – Broken Hill):

    2.00am First Sunday in October, changes from UTC+9.30 to UTC+10.30

    3.00am First Sunday in April, changes from UTC+10.30 to UTC+9.30

    New South Wales (Except Yancowinna County – Broken Hill), Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania:

    2.00am First Sunday in October, changes from UTC+10 to UTC+11

    3.00am First Sunday in April, changes from UTC+11 to UTC+10

    Lord Howe Island:

    2.00am First Sunday in October, changes from UTC+10.30 to UTC+11

    2.00am First Sunday in April, changes from UTC+11 to UTC+10.30

    No DST in other Mainland States or External Territories…

    New Zealand:

    Mainland Island (including Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch):

    2.00am Last Sunday in September, changes from UTC+12 to UTC+13

    3.00am First Sunday in April, changes from UTC+13 to UTC+12

    Chatham Islands:

    2.45am Last Sunday in September, changes from UTC+12.45 to UTC+13.45

    3.45am First Sunday in April, changes from UTC+13.45 to UTC+12.45

    Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau (New Zealand Overseas Territories) do not observe DST.


    3.00am Last Sunday in September, changes from UTC+13 to UTC+14

    4.00am First Sunday in April, changes from UTC+14 to UTC+13


    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC+12 to UTC+13

    3.00am Third Sunday of January, changes from UTC+13 to UTC+12

    This will give rise to 11 weeks, one of the shortest DST periods.

    The other countries in Oceania do not observe DST (including U.S. Island Territories)



    Canary Islands (European Union DST rules):

    1.00am Last Sunday in March, changes from UTC to UTC+1

    2.00am Last Sunday in October, changes from UTC+1 to UTC

    Ceuta and Melilla (European Union DST rules):

    2.00am Last Sunday in March, changes from UTC+1 to UTC+2

    3.00am Last Sunday in October, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+1


    Madeira (European Union DST rules):

    2.00am Last Sunday in March, changes from UTC+1 to UTC+2

    3.00am Last Sunday in October, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+1

    Western Sahara – Morocco (European Union DST rules, African – Islamic DST rules):

    2.00am Last Sunday in March, changes from UTC to UTC+1 (1st DST period begins, 1st tz change)

    Weekend Sunday before Ramadan (Refer to the government and the Islamic Calendar), changes from UTC+1 to UTC (1st DST period ends, 2nd tz change)

    Weekend Sunday after Ramadan – 5 weeks later (Refer to the government and the Islamic Calendar), changes from UTC to UTC+1 (2nd DST period begins, 3rd tz change)

    2.00am Last Sunday in October, changes from UTC+1 to UTC (2nd DST period ends, 4th tz change)


    2.00am First Sunday in September, changes from UTC+1 to UTC+2

    2.00am First Sunday in April, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+1

    No other African Countries (including Egypt) observes DST.


    Azerbaijan (European Union DST rules):

    4.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC+4 to UTC+5

    5.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+5 to UTC+4


    12.00am 21st March or 22nd March, changes from UTC+3.30 to UTC+4.30

    12.00am 21st September or 22nd September, changes from UTC+4.30 to UTC+3.30


    2.00am Last Friday of March, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+3

    2.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+3 to UTC+2

    Jordan (Subjected to change):

    12.00am Last Friday of March, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+3

    1.00am Last Friday of October, changes from UTC+3 to UTC+2


    12.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+3

    12.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+3 to UTC+2


    States of Khovd, Uvs and Bayan-Ölgii:

    2.00am Last Saturday of March, changes from UTC+7 to UTC+8

    12.00am Last Saturday of September, changes from UTC+8 to UTC+7

    Other States:

    2.00am Last Saturday of March, changes from UTC+8 to UTC+9

    12.00am Last Saturday of September, changes from UTC+9 to UTC+8

    Palestine (Subjected to change):

    12.00am Last Saturday of March, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+3

    12.00am Fourth Saturday of October, changes from UTC+3 to UTC+2


    12.00am Last Friday of March, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+3

    12.00am Last Friday of October, changes from UTC+3 to UTC+2

    Turkey (European Union DST rules):

    3.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+3

    4.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+3 to UTC+2

    No other Asian countries observe DST


    (General Rule: European Summer Time is observed across three time zones, beginning at 01:00 UTC/WET (02:00 CET, 03:00 EET) on the last Sunday in March and ending at 01:00 UTC (02:00 WEST, 03:00 CEST, 04:00 EEST) on the last Sunday in October each year.)


    – Azores

    12.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC-1 to UTC

    1.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC to UTC-1

    Western European Time, UTC±0.00

    Canary Islands
    Faroe Islands
    Isle of Man
    Portugal (except Azores)
    United Kingdom

    1.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC to UTC+1

    2.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+1 to UTC

    Central European Time, UTC+1

    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Czech Republic
    Denmark (except Faroe Islands)
    Metropolitan France
    Gibraltar (UK)
    Norway (including: Svalbard and Jan Mayen)
    San Marino
    Spain (except Canary Islands)
    Vatican City

    2.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC+1 to UTC+2

    3.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+1

    Eastern European Time, UTC+2

    Finland (including Åland)

    3.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+3

    4.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+3 to UTC+2

    Further-eastern European Time (FET), UTC+3

    Most of European Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov on Don, Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land. From October 26, 2014 Moscow and most other parts of European Russia started using UTC+3 again, all year around.

    Besides the names mentioned above, the name ‘Eastern Europe Forward Time’ (EEFT) is sometimes used.

    Russia – Moscow Time
    All railroad time in Russia, including railroad in Kaliningrad Oblast.

    No DST in this timezone.

    Only Iceland, Belarus and Russia has no DST.

    South America:


    12.00am First Sunday of October, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-3

    12.00am Fourth Sunday of March, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-4


    States of:

    ◾Cuiabá, Mato Grosso (some exceptions)
    ◾Campo Grande, Mato Grosso Do Sul

    12.00am Third Sunday of October, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-3

    12.00am Third Sunday of February, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-4

    Note: Due to Carnaval, end of DST may be postponed to Fourth Sunday of February. These years are expected to be: 2012, 2015, 2023, 2026, 2034, and 2037.

    States of:

    ◾Sao Paulo, São Paulo
    ◾Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
    ◾Brasilia, Distrito Federal
    ◾Criciúma, Santa Catarina
    ◾Curitiba, Paraná
    ◾Goiânia, Goiás
    ◾Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
    ◾Vitória, Espírito Santo
    ◾Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

    12.00am Third Sunday of October, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-2

    12.00am Third Sunday of February, changes from UTC-2 to UTC-3

    Note: Due to Carnaval, end of DST may be postponed to Fourth Sunday of February. These years are expected to be: 2012, 2015, 2023, 2026, 2034, and 2037.

    Other South American Countries do not use DST.

    Central America:


    12.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-4

    1.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-5


    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-4

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-5

    Cayman Islands

    To start using DST in 2016 (Exact dates to be announced)

    Other Caribbean/Central America countries do not observe DST.

    North America:

    The Bahamas (United States DST Rules) (Eastern Time Zone):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-4

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-5

    Bermuda (United Kingdom) – United States DST rules (Alantic Time Zone):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-3

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-4

    Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) – Canadian DST Rules:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-2

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-2 to UTC-3

    Greenland (Denmark) – European DST Rules, United States DST Rules (Mainland included for reference):

    Mainland Denmark – Including Copenhagen, Aarhus and Rønne (Bornholm) – (Central European Time – European Union DST):

    2.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC+1 to UTC+2

    3.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+2 to UTC+1

    Overseas Islands (Dependencies) – The Faroe Islands (Western European Time – European Union DST):

    1.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC to UTC+1

    2.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC+1 to UTC

    Northeast Greenland – Danmarkshavn (Greenwich Mean Time):

    No DST is observed in this state, UTC all year around

    Eastern Greenland – Ittoqqortoormiit and Neerlerit Inaat – (East Greenland Time – European Union DST):

    12.00am Last Sunday of March, changes from UTC-1 to UTC

    1.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC to UTC-1

    Western Greenland – Qaanaaq, Ilulissat, Kangerlussuaq, Nuuk, Qaqortoq, Tasiilaq and Kulusuk (West Greenland Time – European Union DST):

    10.00pm Last Saturday of March, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-2

    11.00pm Last Saturday of October, changes from UTC-2 to UTC-3

    Pituffik (Thule Air Base – United States Air Base) – (Alantic Time Zone – United States DST):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-3

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-4

    Mexico (Mexican DST Rules, United States/Canadian DST Rules):

    General Rule (Mexican DST Rule) – Entire Mexico (Except Border Mnuicipalities): DST starts at 2.00am local time on the first Sunday in April and ends at 2.00am local on the last Sunday in October.

    General Rule (United States/Canadian DST Rules) – Municipalities located less than 20 kilometres from the US border: DST starts at 2.00am local time on the second Sunday in March and ends at 2.00am local time on the first Sunday in November.

    Mexican States:

    Baja California – Entire State – (Tijuana, Tecate, Ensenada, Mexicali) – Pacific Time Zone (United States DST):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-8 to UTC-7

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-7 to UTC-8

    Chihuahua (Ciudad Juárez, Ojinaga) – Mountain Time Zone (United States DST):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-7 to UTC-6

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-7

    Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Chihuahua (Except Ciudad Juárez and Ojinaga) – Mountain Time Zone (Mexican DST):

    2.00am First Sunday of April, changes from UTC-7 to UTC-6

    2.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-7

    Coahuila (Acuña, Piedras Negras), Nuevo Leon (Anahuac), Tamaulipas (Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Matamoros) – Central Time Zone (United States DST):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-5

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-6

    Central-Eastern Mexico – Aguascalientes, Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, México, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tabasco, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatán, Zacatecas, Coahuila (Except Acuña and Piedras Negras), Nuevo León (Anahuac), Tamaulipas (Except Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa and Matamoros), – Central Time Zone (Mexican DST):

    Distrito Federal (Mexico City) – Central Time Zone (Mexican DST):

    2.00am First Sunday of April, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-5

    2.00am Last Sunday of October, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-6

    Quintana Roo (Chetumal, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel, Cancún) – Eastern Time Zone:

    No DST is observed in this state, UTC-5 all year round (With effect from 1st February 2015, to give more evening daylight for tourist sites)

    Sonora (Hermosillo) – Mountain Time Zone:

    No DST is observed in this state, UTC-7 all year round (From 1998, as neighbouring U.S. state Arizona does not observe DST)

    Canada (United States DST Rules/Canadian DST Rules):

    General Rule (United States/Canadian DST Rules): DST starts at 2.00am local time on the second Sunday in March and ends at 2.00am local time on the first Sunday in November.

    Pacific Time Zone – Entire Yukon Territory (Including Dawson and Whitehorse), British Columbia Province (Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Port Hardy, Tofino, Fort Ware, Campbell River, Comox, Nanaimo, Sechelt, Crofton, Sidney, Saanich, Victoria, Richmond, Delta, Burnaby, Whistler, New Westminster, Surrey, White Rock, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Prince George, Langley, Maple Ridge, Quesnel, Abbotsford, Williams Lake, Chilliwack, Kamloops, Penticton, Kelowna, Nelson) – Canadian DST:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-8 to UTC-7

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-7 to UTC-8

    Mountain Time Zone – Entire Northwest Territories (Including Yellowknife), Entire Alberta Province (Including Edmonton and Calgary), British Columbia Province – Southeastern (Golden, Invermere, Cranbrook), Western Nunavut (Kugluktuk, Cambridge Bay, Gjoa Haven, Taloyoak, Kugaaruk), Saskatchewan Province (Lloydminster) – Canadian DST:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-7 to UTC-6

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-7

    Central Time Zone – Entire Manitoba Province (Including Winnipeg), Central Nunavut (Baker Lake, Resolute Bay, Arviat, Rankin Inlet, Repulse Bay, Eureka), Western Ontario Province (Rainy River, Kenora, Fort Frances, Dryden) – Canadian DST:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-5

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-6

    Eastern Time Zone – Central/Eastern Ontario Province (Ottawa, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Nipigon, Fort Severn First Nation, Sault Ste. Marie, Windsor, Sarnia, Chatham-Kent, Goderich, Timmins, London, Greater Sudbury, Stratford, Owen Sound, Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge, Norfolk, Brantford, Guelph, Kirkland Lake, Halton Hills, Milton, Hamilton, Caledon, Haldimand, Burlington, Newmarket, Brampton, Barrie, Temiskaming Shores, Oakville, Mississauga, Vaughan, North Bay, Richmond Hill, Markham, Welland, St. Catharines, Uxbridge, Pickering, Niagara Falls, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Kawartha Lakes, Clarington, Peterborough, Belleville, Kingston, Brockville, Cornwall), Western Quebec Province (Montreal, Rouyn-Noranda, Inukjuak, Salluit, Gatineau, Chibougamau, Saint-Jérôme, Laval, Terrebonne, Repentigny, Longueuil, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Hyacinthe, Shawinigan, Granby, Trois-Rivieres, Drummondville, Bécancour, Sherbrooke, Québec, Levis, Saguenay, Saint-Georges, Rimouski, Kuujjuaq, Matane, Gaspé), Eastern Nunavut (Iqaluit, Arctic Bay, Grise Fiord, Igloolik, Hall Beach, Sanikiluaq, Pond Inlet, Cape Dorset, Clyde River, Pangnirtung, Qikiqtarjuaq, Alert) – Canadian DST:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-4

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-5

    Atlantic Time Zone – Entire New Brunswick Province (Including Saint John), Entire Nova Scotia Province (Including Halifax), Entire Prince Edward Island Province (Including Charlottetown), Newfoundland and Labrador Province – Western Labrador (Labrador City, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Hopedale) – Canadian DST:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-3

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-3 to UTC-4

    Newfoundland Time Zone – Newfoundland and Labrador Province (Southeastern Labrador and Entire Newfoundland Island – St. John’s, Stephenville, Corner Brook, Grand Falls-Windsor, Gander, Conception Bay South, Paradise, Mount Pearl) – Canadian DST:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-3.30 to UTC-2.30

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-2.30 to UTC-3.30

    Mountain Time Zone – Northeastern British Columbia Province (Fort Nelson, Chetwynd, Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Creston):

    No DST in these areas, UTC-7 all year round.

    Central Time Zone – Entire Saskatchewan Province (Except Lloydminster, Including Regina):

    No DST in this province, UTC-6 all year round.

    Eastern Time Zone – Western Ontario (Atikokan), Central Nunavut (Entire Southampton Island – Coral Harbour):

    No DST in these areas, UTC-5 all year round.

    Atlantic Time Zone – Southeastern Quebec (Blanc-Sablon):

    No DST in these areas, UTC-4 all year round.

    United States:

    General Rule (United States/Canadian DST Rules): DST starts at 2.00am local time on the second Sunday in March and ends at 2.00am local time on the first Sunday in November. – Energy Policy Act of 2005

    Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone – Aleutian Islands (Alaska):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-10 to UTC-9

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-9 to UTC-10

    Alaska Time Zone – Mainland Alaska:

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-9 to UTC-8

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-8 to UTC-9

    Pacific Time Zone – Entire California State (Including San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles), Entire Washington State (Including Seattle), Entire Nevada State (Including Las Vegas but excluding West Wendover), Idaho State (Idaho Panhandle – North of the Salmon River), Entire Oregon State (Except Malheur County):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-8 to UTC-7

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-7 to UTC-8

    Mountain Time Zone – Entire Colorado State (Including Denver), Entire Montana State, Entire New Mexico State, Entire Utah State (Including Salt Lake City), Entire Wyoming State, Idaho State (South of the Salmon River), Nevada State (West Wendover), Oregon State (Malheur County), Arizona State (Navajo Nation), Kansas State (Hamilton, Greeley, Wallace, and Sherman Counties), Nebraska State (Nebraska Panhandle, Colorado-bordering counties), North Dakota State (West of the Missouri River – Southwestern Areas), South Dakota State (Western Half), Texas State (Southwestern Tip – El Paso):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-7 to UTC-6

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-7

    Central Time Zone – Entire Alabama State, Entire Arkansas State (Including Little Rock), Entire Illinois State (Including Chicago), Entire Iowa State, Entire Louisiana State (Including New Orleans), Entire Minnesota State (Including Minneapolis and St. Paul), Entire Mississippi State, Entire Missouri State (Including Kansas City and St. Louis), Entire Oklahoma State (Including Oklahoma City), Entire Wisconsin State (Including Milwaukee), Kansas State (Excluding Hamilton, Greeley, Wallace, and Sherman Counties), Nebraska State (Excluding Nebraska Panhandle and Colorado-bordering counties), North Dakota State (Excluding West of the Missouri River – Southwestern Areas), South Dakota State (Eastern Half), Texas State (Excluding Southwestern Tip – El Paso), Florida State (Florida Panhandle), Indiana State (Northwest and Southwest Corners), Kentucky State (Western Half), Michigan State (Wisconsin-bordering Upper Peninsula counties), Tennessee (Excluding East Tennessee):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-6 to UTC-5

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-6

    Eastern Time Zone – District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.), Entire Connecticut State, Entire Delaware State, Entire Georgia State, Entire Maine State (Including Portland), Entire Maryland State, Entire Massachusetts State (Including Boston), Entire New Hampshire State (Including Manchester), Entire New Jersey State (Including New Jersey City), Entire New York State (Including New York City), Entire North Carolina State, Entire Ohio State (Including Columbus), Entire Pennsylvania State (Including Philadelphia), Entire Rhode Island State, Entire South Carolina State, Entire Vermont State, Entire Virginia State (Including Richmond), Entire West Virginia State, Florida State (Excluding Florida Panhandle), Indiana State (Excluding Northwest and Southwest Corners), Kentucky State (Eastern Half), Michigan State (Excluding Wisconsin-bordering Upper Peninsula counties), Tennessee (East Tennessee):

    2.00am Second Sunday of March, changes from UTC-5 to UTC-4

    2.00am First Sunday of November, changes from UTC-4 to UTC-5

    Samoa Time Zone – American Samoa (Pago Pago):

    No DST in these areas, UTC-11 all year round.

    Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone – Entire Hawaii State (Honolulu):

    No DST in this state, UTC-10 all year round.

    Mountain Time Zone – Arizona State (Except Navajo Nation) – Phoenix, Yuma, Tucson:

    No DST in this state, UTC-7 all year round.

    Atlantic Time Zone – Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands:

    No DST in these areas, UTC-4 all year round.

    Chamorro Time Zone – Guam, Northern Mariana Islands:

    No DST in these areas, UTC+10 all year round.

    DST Trivia:

    To calculate the date of DST:

    You can use the following equations to calculate when DST starts and ends. The divisions are integer divisions, in which remainders are discarded. “mod” means the remainder when doing integer division, e.g., 20 mod 7 = 6. That is, 20 divided by 7 is 2 and 6/7th (where six is the remainder). With: y = year.

    For the United States:
    Begin DST: Sunday April (2+6*y-y/4) mod 7+1
    End DST: Sunday October (31-(y*5/4+1) mod 7)
    Valid for years 1900 to 2006, though DST wasn’t adopted until the 1950s-1960s. 2007 and after:
    Begin DST: Sunday March 14 – (1 + y*5/4) mod 7
    End DST: Sunday November 7 – (1 + y*5/4) mod 7;

    European Economic Community:
    Begin DST: Sunday March (31 – (5*y/4 + 4) mod 7) at 1h U.T.
    End DST: Sunday October (31 – (5*y/4 + 1) mod 7) at 1h U.T.
    Since 1996, valid through 2099

    (Equations by Wei-Hwa Huang (US), and Robert H. van Gent (EC))



    UTC−12 is a nautical time zone comprising the high seas between 180° and 172°30′W longitude. Subtract twelve hours from Coordinated Universal Time to obtain the time for this zone. Ships using this time are the last to begin each calendar day.

    A number of inhabited islands lie within the longitudinal limits of this time zone, but none of them keeps the date and time of UTC-12. Instead, they keep the time and date (or just the date) of one of the neighbouring zones, usually because they belong, politically, to an island group whose other members lie mostly in the neighbouring time zone.

    Since the IDLW time-zone represents the last place on earth where any date exists, it is sometimes used for deadlines and referred to as Anywhere on Earth (AoE)


    1. The westernmost point where UTC with DST is applied is El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain (18°00′ W). Time used there is 2 hours and 12 minutes ahead of physical time in the summer, making for the greatest discrepancy in the UTC time zone.
    2. The easternmost settlement where UTC with DST is applied is Lowestoft in Suffolk, East Anglia, England (at just 1°45′ E).
    3. Note that Ireland uses the term “standard time” in reference to the summer months and “winter time” during what the rest of the time zone calls “standard time”. This is the reverse of the practice of most countries in the EU, but provides the same end results.
    4. The westernmost point where UTC with no DST is applied is Bjargtangar, at the northwest peninsula of Iceland (24°32′ W). Time used there is 1 hour and 38 minutes ahead of physical time. This is the greatest deviation from physical time for UTC with no DST.
    5. The easternmost locale where UTC with no DST is applied is Bouvet Island, of Norwegian jurisdiction, at the South Atlantic Ocean (3°24′ E).


    1. The westernmost point at which UTC+03 with no DST is applied is the westernmost point of Sudan, in the West Darfur state, at the border with Chad; Geneina, the capital of West Darfur, located very close to that point, has a longitude of 22°27′ E.
    2. The easternmost point at which UTC+03 with no DST is applied is actually the easternmost point of Saudi Arabia, in the Eastern Province, at the border with Oman, with a longitude of roughly 55°20′ E.
    3. The westernmost point at which UTC+03 with DST is applied is actually the westernmost point of contiguous Russia, near Lavry, Pskov Oblast (27°19′ E). During the summer the time employed there (corresponding to 60°E) is 33°41′ E of physical time, i.e. roughly 2 hours and 14 minutes ahead of physical time, making for the largest discrepancy between time used and physical time for UTC+3 with DST. This actually the largest discrepancy overall for UTC+03 even if UTC+03 with no DST is included.
    4. The easternmost point at which UTC+03 with DST is applied is Cape Zhelaniya, Severny Island, Novaya Zemlya, Russia (69°06′ E). During the winter the time employed there (corresponding to 45°E) is 24°06′ W of physical time, i.e. roughly 1 hour and 36 minutes behind physical time, making for the largest discrepancy between time used and physical time for UTC+3 with DST for that time of the year, but not overall (see note 3 above).
    5. On February 8, 2011, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev issued a decree cancelling DST in Russia. Under the decree, all clocks in Russia will advance one hour on March 27, 2011, but will not change back the following October, effectively making Kaliningrad Time UTC+03 permanently, and Moscow Time UTC+04 permanently.
    6. Ukraine had UTC+2 plus regularly EEST from 1992 till 2011 (in years 1981–89 Moscow Summer Time) until the Ukrainian parliament added one hour “on the territory of Ukraine from March 27, 2011″ and canceled DST on September 20, 2011 de facto making EEST (UTC+3) the new standard time. After strong criticism from the mass media, on 18 October 2011 the Ukrainian parliament cancelled its previous decision.


    Discrepancies between official UTC+07 and geographical UTC+07

    Since legal, political and economic in addition to physical or geographical criteria are used in the drawing of time zones, it follows that official time zones do not precisely adhere to meridian lines. The UTC+07 time zone, were it drawn by purely geographical terms, would consist of exactly the area between meridians 97°30′ E and 112°30′ E. As a result, there are Asian locales that despite lying in an area with a “physical” UTC+07 time, actually use another time zone.
    Conversely, there are Asian areas that have gone for UTC+07, even though their “physical” time zone is UTC+06 (western most part of Indonesia).

    This section is not updated for Russia which changed time zones in 2014.

    Areas located within UTC+07 longitudes using other time zones

    This concerns areas within 97°30′ E to 112°30′ E longitude.

    Using UTC+06:30

    A part of Myanmar

    Using UTC+08

    Many parts of China, including for example Guangxi Province and Hainan Island

    Most of central Mongolia including the capital Ulaanbaatar

    Peninsular Malaysia

    Western part of Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo including Kuching


    Areas located outside UTC+07 longitudes using UTC+07 time

    Areas between 82°30′ W and 97°30′ E (“physical” UTC+06)

    The westernmost part of Indonesia including Banda Aceh.

    Areas between 102°30′ W and 117°30′ E (“physical” UTC+08)

    The easternmost part of Java including Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Malang, and Banyuwangi.


    With an estimated population of 1.708 billion living within the time zone, roughly 24% of the world population, it is the most populous time zone in world, as well as a possible candidate for ASEAN Common Time.

    This time zone is used in all Chinese-speaking countries, giving international Chinese websites the same time.

    The southern-half of Vietnam (Republic of Vietnam) was formerly part of this time zone prior to the communist takeover of the South on April 30, 1975, making it 1 hour ahead of North Vietnam. After 1975, the whole country came under the North Vietnamese time zone, UTC+07:00.

    Discrepancies between official UTC+08 and geographical UTC+08

    This section is not updated for Russia which changed time zones in 2014.

    Areas located within UTC+08 longitudes using other time zones

    This concerns areas within 112°30′ E to 127°30′ E longitude.

    A part of Indonesia, including the city Surabaya, where UTC+07:00 is used.

    The western parts of Korea, including the cities Pyongyang and Seoul, where UTC+09:00 is used.

    Areas located outside UTC+08 longitudes using UTC+08 time

    Areas between 127°30′ E and 142°30′ E (“physical” UTC+09)

    Parts of eastern China including the eastern end of Heilongjiang province.

    Easternmost parts of Western Australia.

    Areas between 97°30′ E and 112°30′ E (“physical” UTC+07)

    Parts of China, including Guangxi Province and Hainan Island.

    Most of central Mongolia including the capital Ulaanbaatar.

    Peninsular Malaysia.

    Western part of Borneo Island including the western part of Sarawak, Malaysia.


    Areas between 82°30′ E and 97°30′ E (“physical” UTC+06)

    Parts of China
    – Most of Xinjiang province (although many locals set their clocks at UTC+06 even if it is officially UTC+08, in any case work and shop schedules are two hours after Beijing).[1] See also Time in China.
    – Most of Tibet

    Western Mongolia.

    Areas between 67°30′ E and 82°30′ E (“physical” UTC+05)

    Parts of western China including western Xinjiang province (although most locals observe UTC+06 even if it is officially UTC+08).


    On November 2, 1868, New Zealand officially adopted a standard time to be observed nationally, and was perhaps the first country to do so. It was based on the longitude 172° 30′ East of Greenwich, that is 11 hours 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. This standard was known as New Zealand Mean Time (NZMT). Today this would be around the same zone covered by UTC+11:30.


    Kwajalein Atoll, in the Marshall Islands, advanced 24 hours to the eastern hemisphere side of the International Date Line by skipping August 21, 1993.



    The Republic of Kiribati introduced a change for its eastern half on 1 January 1995, from time zones −11 and −10 to +13 and +14, to avoid having the country divided by the International Date Line.

    Tonga has been on UTC+13 for many years. Daylight saving time was used in the southern summer seasons from 1999 to 2002.

    UTC+13 was used as a daylight time (summer in Northern Hemisphere) in the parts of very eastern Russia (Chukotka and Kamchatka) that used the former Kamchatka Time. Since March 2010 these regions have switched to using Magadan Time instead. (Back to Kamchatka Time from October 26 2014 with no DST)


    This is the highest time zone, meaning that areas in this zone are the first to see a new day, and therefore the first to celebrate a New Year.

    UTC+14 stretches as far as 30° east of the 180° longitude line and creates a large fold in the International Date Line.


    The central Pacific Republic of Kiribati introduced a change of date for its eastern half on 1 January 1995, from time zones −11 and −10 to +13 and +14. Before this, the time zone UTC+14 did not exist. As a British colony, Kiribati was centered in the Gilbert Islands, just west of the old date line. The distant Phoenix and Line Islands were on the other side of the date line. Government offices on opposite sides of the line could only communicate by radio or telephone on the four days of the week when both sides experienced weekdays simultaneously.

    The revision of Kiribati’s time zone meant that the date line in effect moved eastwards to go around this country, so that the Line Islands, including the inhabited Kiritimati island, started the year 2000 on its territory before any other country on earth, a feature which the Kiribati government capitalized upon as a potential tourist draw.

    Tonga – IANA time zone database zone name Pacific/Tongatapu – used UTC+14 for daylight saving time from 1999 to 2002, and therefore celebrated new year 2000 at the same time as the Line Islands in Kiribati.

    At the end of 29 December 2011 (UTC−10), Samoa advanced its standard time from UTC−11 to UTC+13 (and its daylight saving time from UTC−10 to UTC+14), essentially moving the international date line to the other side of the country. Following Samoa’s decision, Tokelau also advanced its standard time (used without daylight saving time), from UTC−11 to UTC+13.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  Artoriel.
    #115321 Score: 0



    July 2015’s ore party will be held on 18th July 2015 6.50am and 6.50pm UTC

    #115324 Score: 0


    Thank you for this. 😀

    #115327 Score: 0


    Now my question is this. How much time did u spend doing this lol. Isnt it O’s soon?

    #115330 Score: 0


    so it will be held at 7:30 UK time??

    #115342 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Whoa O_O that must’ve taken a lot of time to make, I appreciate it!!

    #115394 Score: 0


    Nah it took me only 20 minutes to do it… just copy and paste… and about 40 minutes of editing and planning, because the DST is complicating me… all the timezones I copied are Winter Times

    #115399 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Nice References..
    Sticked. :)

    #115400 Score: 0


    Those aren’t exact times… DST already included

    #115401 Score: 0

    14 pts

    off by an hour for me :(

    #115405 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Wrong by half an hour for me, but I still made it there early! Thanks melee

    #115454 Score: 0


    I spent like 2 hours making 2/3 of that time list (the new one)…

    #115476 Score: 0


    Bump lol

    Btw Clockspeed, can you set the webpage into an announcement in game? All the dates up to December 2017 are already listed there…

    #116656 Score: 0


    I just realised I made editing mistakes -.-

    #116820 Score: 0


    Reminder: Catch SGDQ 2015 now @ https://gamesdonequick.com/ Current and Last Game is Chrono Trigger.

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