Ore Party Timing Reference – Listed by country


Home Forums Prison Community Events Ore Party Timing Reference – Listed by country

This topic contains 63 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  wong224 9 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 64 total)
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  • #118682 Score: 0


    This coming holiday I won’t be free. I had chosen to take a vacation term module plus an oversea community project in Cambodia (Samroung High School, Siem Reap)

    #118684 Score: 0


    At the moment I am stuck with this :/

    View post on imgur.com

    I really hate networking…

    #118685 Score: 0


    Well then ander, i cant help you then…

    Jia, why did you even choose that in the first place?

    #118687 Score: 0


    I dream of becoming a game designer since young. And idk how is networking useful in games. Other than multiplayer games. My friend said networking is the most useless module in my course…

    At least I don’t have to learn in detail about cyber security etc.

    #118824 Score: 0



    #118923 Score: 0


    #Sad Life, prelims next week, can die liao .-.

    #118930 Score: 0


    Have fun getting killed by Miss Geography and Mr Social Studies.

    #119134 Score: 0


    They are more difficult than Mr. Maths, common sense…

    #119327 Score: 0


    Really North Korea? Why do you hate Japan so much? -.- -.- -.-

    Time to edit my time zone list -.-

    In case you dont know, with effect from 15th August 2015 12.00am UTC+9, North Korea switches from Korea Standard Time (UTC+9) to Pyongyang Time (UTC+8.30), to get back to standard solar time, and not have the same time with Japan. This move creates the 41st Timezone in the world…

    #119338 Score: 0


    Timezone list updated.


    Relocated topic to ‘Community Events’

    Updated, added and changed Timezones for North Korea, and added its respective ore party time.

    Added DST schedule for Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Samoa and Fiji)

    Again, the previous post:

    Really North Korea? Why do you hate Japan so much? -.- -.- -.-

    Time to edit my time zone list -.-

    In case you dont know, with effect from 15th August 2015 12.00am UTC+9, North Korea switches from Korea Standard Time (UTC+9) to Pyongyang Time (UTC+8.30), to get back to standard solar time, and not have the same time with Japan. This move creates the 41st Timezone in the world…

    #119382 Score: 0


    Sad life, thanks to incoming elections, i will not be able to join the September’s Ore Party. I may not even be able to give timely reminders, as the ore party is right in the heat of matters for me, such as: Voting Day, Election Results, More Prelims (for me -.-), and the upcoming Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix.

    Polling Day is on 11th September 2015, which is on a Friday, during the September Holidays, which unfortunately means no school days are lost… With my extremely busy schedule, I would like to take this time to apologise if i fail to remind everyone about September’s ore party. (12 September 2015) (Secret Note: We all know what happened on this day 14 years ago…)

    I would also like to take this time to apologise if i fail to remind everyone about October’s Ore Party (10 October 2015) as i will be extremely busy in school, preparing for both my Birthday (11 October 2015) and for my National Exams. (19 October 2015 to 13 November 2015)

    With that, i would appreciate your understanding, and i apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    As always, Good Vaporeon o’ Clock People!

    #119387 Score: 0


    My country is mentioned

    #119388 Score: 0


    Lol? All the countries are stated…

    #119493 Score: 0


    I am going to bump this, to remind people of my busy schedule and my apologies.

    Planned update:

    DST for Africa and Asia

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Artoriel. Reason: Please do not Double Post! Bump topics only after 24 hours if no one replied. Second Warning
    #119562 Score: 0


    When is the next ore party?

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 64 total)

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