Report: Miner49erLOL Duper


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Report: Miner49erLOL Duper

This topic contains 63 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  ADCKnight 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #45365 Score: 0


    He says don’t worry about the report and he was going to ask a key master to remove this post

    #45366 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Not according to your picture, you asked him to remove it then he stopped speaking to you.
    Also you still haven’t answered borns questions.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  ADCKnight.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  ADCKnight.
    #45370 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Can’t edit above,
    Further investigation with /lb tool
    shows no information on blocks older than around a month, Miner49erLOL’s chests would be around 3 months old, so may need to check older versions of the server if possible, as block history has been erased from around that time. I’m not sure about restoring old stuff, hopefully born has a backup from around that time to restore that plot and its chests.

    #45372 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Also, he may have given them to his friends to hold, I guess KRYPSOKK got these eggs legit too right?

    #45373 Score: 0


    holy crap the duping is spreading..

    #45374 Score: 0


    Wow !

    #45375 Score: 0


    Dyenxunit bought out a stack by accident the other day. If its by duping i think dyen should get a refund

    #45376 Score: 0


    Dyenxunit bought out a stack by accident the other day. If its by duping i think dyen should get a refund
    I dunno why is there a double post. IM sorry

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  takoballball.
    #45377 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I kinda want to hear Miner49erLOL’s explanation, I’d love to see him see him try to say he farmed and or bought over 180 dragon eggs, only to sell them at 5k each.
    To try and make anyone believe that would be a feat I’m looking forward to seeing.

    #45379 Score: 0


    I have answered the questions to borncorp via skype

    #45380 Score: 0


    I was wondering how he got so many in the first place. I was like thinking, i dont remember krypshock going to dragon much and also never saw him getting the dragon egg. I used to do it like 1/2 times in a day out of the 3 times so im pretty sure the chance of him having over 100 is like 0

    #45381 Score: 0


    The dragon eggs where given to KRYPSHOKK by me

    #45382 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Wow such a generous guy, to spend weeks in game farming the dragon without anyone seeing you or possibly buying them for next to nothing in highly suspicious amounts from an unknown source, only to give them away for free to your friend, over $2,000,000 worth of eggs, for free, while you have less that a million yourself, what a believable story, my eyes are tearing up right now over such an epic story, when you selling the rights to this epic story I want to fund a movie for it LOLWTFATAL ERROR !$^!$#^ *** I am sorry the brain ADCK was using to write this sentence has melted to due extremely dangerous amounts of Bull, please insert new brain. ***

    #45383 Score: 0


    Look’s like someones BUSTED!

    #45384 Score: 0


    I gave KRYPSHOKK the eggs because he is my friend irl and he started a new shop so I gave him my expensive stuff. Don’t be a dick ADC.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 64 total)

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