Report Zupers
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This topic contains 20 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by MikePlaysMC 11 years, 7 months ago.
He banned me becouse of nothing i was playing on creative and called him and he didnt responded and then when he called me i didnt reposnded and he wanted to i go on my skyblock and i didnt go and he banned me and say something about glitches so i want unban and i will show you my skyblock
Username:Madnes64I have had quite a few reports of you duplicating items ingame. You have been banned for those reports and for refusing to go to your skyblock island after I asked you more than three times. You may be unbanned after these allegations are investigated.
-ZupersDude you banned me becouse i did that?
You shuld get banned not me i have right to be enywhere i want!
You banned more then half server are u insane?Dude, if you are trying to get unbanned, you should try not insulting the person who can overturn your ban. Zupers, shouldn’t you ban him after the circumstances are investigated?
I didnt asked you nothing !
He is banning inocent peoples!
I hate that on some server !
He banned a half server and it losts players!Fluffy’s right plus if you wanted to prove your innocence you should had let zupers into your island to investigate
karloixy you deserved to be banned. How about calming down? Or what about staying banned forever?
Moderators no matter on which server, do not ever ban for ” no reason “. As Zupers stated, you obviously duplicated items in-game, and after him asking you to go to skyblock so he would check, and you refusing, You did 2 things:
– You didn’t do something a mod ( HeadMod ) told you to do.
– You caused him to get suspicious about you actually duplicating.About him banning half of the server, he can ban the whole server if they broke bannable rules. For now you should cool it down as he told you that they will look into this. Unless you were actualling duping, you have nothing to worry about.
– deasertman
Listen me now
Firstly he did not listen to me when I am saying something then I’m not listening to him, as other have the right to be where I want to and as the third did not have any evidence that I’m doing it! Because I did not, “glitching” as you put it so that he had no right to ban me!You do what a mod tells you to do, especially a headmod, he doesn’t ask that for no reason. Look where that got you huh? Plus he was going to go get the evidence, but you did not go there to make him check, so he got suspicious and banned you. By the way, with that attitude, you’re going 1 step further away from being unbanned.
And all i got is form me and my friends esspecially diamonds and other rich stuffs what gived me TroyJunior
Check his island !I do not have to immediately ban ip could kick me and then i will do that i was just kidding becouse he didit listend me
I do not have to immediately ban ip could kick me and then i will do that i was just kidding becouse he didit listend me
Zupers had every right to ban you, duping is a bannable offense.
Karloixy, if you don’t know the rules then don’t play on the server. You did something wrong and you are not showing moderators any respect what so ever. I don’t care how old you are but I am saying right now you are acting like a moron! I suggest you stop with that stupid immature attitude of yours and actually read what the moderators are saying. You didn’t respond to Zupers asking you something, you duped items which is wrong and now your thinking you did nothing wrong and that the mods are at fault for trying to clear this crap up. Zupers had all the right to ban you.
Quit freaking out like a baby and actually listen to what the moderators are saying. Stop acting like a dumb kid because you are digging yourself into deeper trouble. Unless you want to be banned then shut up listen and respond correctly.
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
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