Reporting montaserkanan/UlasAdem
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This topic contains 12 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by Palace_Destroyer (ethanowens,Zegrilo,miniwolverineX) 10 years, 7 months ago.
Alright, to start off with, I only thought to report him now, due to his Skype messages to me (Unsure as to whether this is proof enough)
His Skype messages: has pretty much spammed the town chat, as well as /msg-ing me, asking to be assistant. It all started after LAMBROSD abused his assistant powers by kicking 88green1 from my town of Pandora for no reason.
UlasAdem/MONTASERKANAN had been constantly messaging me asking for assistant, and I had told him (at the time) that due to what had happened with Lamb, that I wouldn’t promote anyone.
I had also informed him a few times after that, that because I hadn’t gone to test him for Assistant rank, that I wasn’t wanting him as Assistant.He had accused me of not trusting him. Now, to be honest, I don’t NOT trust him.
He said he has helped so much, yet I had honestly never seen him helping others.
He told me that the town would fall (irrelevant, yes, but I just felt to include this.), even though I could do MA, /sell, kill mobs in my spare time (outside of MA), or participate in events.He had left my town, saying “BLAME megaSeth020′ in main chat a few times, and said he hates me.
Never mind about him, just plain childishness.
^ I guess so?… 😛
i thought Lamb was like, 88green1’s best friend??? Green told me that, idk why lamb would wanna kick him from town?? O_o and, dont worry about ulasadem/montaserkanan, he’s just angry, and wants to abuse the power. lol
Yeah, LAMBROSD really abused his assistant power. Other than that I agree with the second part of what FuzzyMonkey ^^^ said.
He usually spams a lot…
He was once supposely perm muted for spamI agree with still ^^^^
If he harasses you in /msg. /ignore UlasAdem/MONTASERKANAN.
If he harasses you in /tc, kick him from the town.
If he harasses you in /nc, report him, or let a mod in the nation deal with it.
If he harasses you in /g, either report him if no mods are availible, or the mods will deal with it.
Do not mind him, he is trying to make you seem like a bad person so that it would feel like people would hate you, and if you gave him assistant, it would seem like people would stop hating you.
Message me whenever he harrsses you and he will be punished.
@Rogue – I dun need to ignore, if people are showing disrespect towards me, they can deal with what the mods give them.
He’s left the town, and with doing do so, the Nation (So no /tc or /nc)
He was showing disrespect (saying “BLAME megaSeth020”) in /g, but I really didn’t think too much of it, considering all the ‘#BlameZznabelaA’ or BlameSkills and all that.Will do River, or any other mod that’s on to see.
Well, MONTASERKANAN used to be bullied, but this guy is a bully. In my opinion, he is the second most annoying guy in the server for me. Just do what I do. Ignore him.
OK Seth
Dont worry Tell me Or any mod When HE starts Spamming Disrespecting you Or anyone
He ll Get punished
AND yea he wants to abuse powers like his brother LAMBROSDSO yea ( WHY I SAY SO YEA ALOT THIS DAYS OMG 0-0 )
~EPIC IS EPICCCCCCCCCCCCCfaulty fail, posrted an image on another report :c
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
Palace_Destroyer (ethanowens,Zegrilo,miniwolverineX).
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
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