Reporting "Online"


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Spectrum1224 12 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #2670 Score: 0


    Ok so, i will report a player called “Online”

    Everything was ok, he was talking serbian with his friend “Chomp” and suddenly said something weird: “imam xray”

    Here is the photo:

    Since he mentioned the word xray, I didn’t think anything else than “this guy has x-ray, im sure”.
    At that time I didn’t knew he was talking serbian, i started taking some phrases of what he said and was saying and went to google traductor.
    I clicked the option “Detect language” and traduced it to english, then it said eslovenian.
    I traduced the phrase “imam xray”
    And it said “I XRAY”
    Was ready to report him, then I told him by msg that he would get cheater tag or anything like that, and he said to defend “Nope i was talking serbian and i said XRAY IS GOOD HACK.
    Then, what did I do?
    I clicked the option to traduce from serbian to english the phrase “imam xray” and it said i have xray.
    Photo right here:

    Hope he gets what he deserves.
    Btw kova took a photo too when he was in his friend’s house i think he said.


    Friend of all,

    #2671 Score: 0


    I’ll look into this and watch him for x-ray, thanks for the notice.

    #2678 Score: 0


    Online is Lazo. DaIndian has evidence of it.

    #2706 Score: 0

    5 pts

    And at the same time i got about 100 NC warnings about online…

    #2712 Score: 0


    he was not talking serbian he was talking Croatian and chomp is my friend he is from Croatia like me…and online when he said ˝imam xray” it means I HAVE XRAY soo its not serbina imam is word of Croatian i an not defending Online i really whant him get banned

    #2736 Score: 0


    i have been cheated by a player named the_J0ker on this server and am thoroughly displeased.I was playing a game of Hg and when i tried to hit him he didn’t get hurt at all.

    #2737 Score: 0


    Gravn, thnx for saying it, i didn’t knew the language at all, but as he said he was talking serbian..
    Thnx for telling us.
    And aharv thats usual lagg in hg and mob arena, dont worry.

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