

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Trevish 11 years ago.

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  • #60719 Score: 0


    These days, I see many new people coming on server BUT the prob some of them,their name are in FULL caps which cause spam..Even SPAMGUARD warn me when i call out his name in chat!I suggest to kick new people for change name if their name is in FULL CAPS!Now it depends on Mods/admins!

    #60724 Score: 0


    Well…. in my opinion that’s being kinda restrictive. Unless everyone starts logging in with full caps names i dont see a need for this. Though the final decision is up to the higher ranks. Mainly because a lot of these people have been logged in for a long time.. some are even premium.

    #60739 Score: 0


    Just write their names not in Caps then if spam guard is kicking you. I mean I do that to users with caps names…………

    #60768 Score: 0


    Yes what msn said because you dont need to write their name in caps, theres lowercase in your keyboard so you could just be like ‘hi NAMENAMENAME’ do like ‘hi Namenamename’ 😉

    #60769 Score: 0

    14 pts

    This problem can be fixed by what people said above. Some people’s name are meant to be like that and it seems fine to me, but try to do /msg and u won’t get kicked

    #60787 Score: 0


    Dat name Grass

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