Requesting .schematic file


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  danielxing 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8142 Score: 0


    I built a tower in creative world, and i was wondering if i could get a .schematic file of the tower. Eternalcracked & co. can use the tower for whatever they need it for, I just want a .schematic of the tower so I can make a working model of a base i’m building. I don’t mind if other people get it too, and you can use it for spawns if you want to. Could a mod or borncorp post a link for it here? (In case you didn’t know, you can use worldedit to make a schematic.)

    #8157 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Use a mod called worlddownloader to download whatever you want


    #8189 Score: 0


    Thanks for the tip.

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