Rest In Polar (bear) EternalCracked


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Furious_Green/Adnan Kanan 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #133982 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Okay screw it I’m doing one of these threads too.

    I started out here September 2nd 2012, and when I first joined the server what’d I see? A wild Neville (Guardmod at the time) flying around, looking majestic af in his shiny chain armour.
    Oh boy, how time has passed…

    I’ve met some alright people here, the main ones being, Bowmaster55, PigsWillfly69, reigorcacca, zevguns, Amy, LoneWolf (Not typing his entire name, can’t remember it hehe.)

    I got mod, LoneWolf was my recruiter, then Xavier was my promoter after Wolf left, then Pie taught me most I knew about Guard & Admin, then Born gave me Admin, then Born eventually asked both myself & Psycho to step up and gave us both HeadMod.
    After a while I resigned, Epic stepped down as Manager, River got Manager then resigned, then Ander took over as Manager.

    That’s mostly all there is about me and my journey in EC.
    It’s been fun.

    #133985 Score: 0


    wow you forgot me </3

    #133986 Score: 0

    Polar Bear :’3 maaan u Made us Happy all these years . . i still remember “Pandora ” .. its happening the same with ec . . we disbanded Pandora .. . Felt really sad :’c . now ec .. . . i hope it doesnt happen . .

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