Reviewing Minigames KitPvp


Home Forums Minigames Issues/Other Reviewing Minigames KitPvp

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  deasertman 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #99082 Score: 0


    Minigames was “newly released” recently and it is a hit already.Yes,a HIT.Many players including me are playing in KitPvp regularly[Players such as Waveware,melee49,maxmin0S,chinoe and more].The New KitPvp is simply amazing,I believe it will be one of the minigames which will be mostly played by Players in EC Minigames server.. I will rate it a 7/10.

    1) A new arena.
    A new arena will be cool and helpful when a lot of players will play in KitPvp.It will disperse players and avoid lag.

    2)Improved Kits.
    The kits are good for now but it will be more “fun” to play if those tools had some special effects(which can be done with Crackshot).
    For eg: You right click a sword and it throws snowballs or you right click a bow(full powered) and it releases 4-5 arrows at once

    3)A small tutorial for new players
    Well i observed that many players jump in the arena without choosing a kit,so a tutorial will surely be helpful to them

    4) Details on the kits.
    Well for example today,I wanted to purchase a new kit in Premium Kits but i did not know what to choose,therefore i chose randomly,It will be simply amazing if we could know what the kit is made of

    5)Moarrrrr Players
    #AdvertiseAdvertiseAndAdvertise :)

    Thanks for reading my small review and suggestions for KitPvp.

    #99083 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Chu forgot about me D:<

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by  2Federal.
    #99087 Score: 0


    Sorry,i don’t see you there

    #99088 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Timezones </3
    They always win. >:(

    #99107 Score: 0

    20 pts

    D: IKR sonic the cool guy they love murdering plans D:

    #99113 Score: 0

    1 pt

    if chu gunna improve kits, pls improve gladiator tier 2, i wasted my 1k since this kit has a good sword, but the armour is crap and i already tried it, knight tier 3 is better :c pls improve gladiator armour

    #99136 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Gladiator is already OP, Yaseen uses it and he reks a lot of people. The point of gladiator is be slippery enough to not get hit and they don’t last too long.

    #99544 Score: 0



    #99547 Score: 0

    1 pt

    [+] New map would be awesome, especially one that gives an advantage to archers a bit, considering they’re kind of weak, and a random location spawn within the map, to prevent people from camping and taking out people who just jumped.

    [+] It would actually be nice if you knew what the contents of the kit you were gonna purchase were, maybe open an inventory to show it? That why one would be able to know which tier 2 of a kit to choose, as he/she finds convenient.

    [±] I disagree on the “improved” kits which use CrackShot, however I would vote up on this idea if there was a seperate arena with seperate kits, because CrackShot and vanilla kits won’t fit together, considering CrackShot kits would have to be nerfed big time in order to be fair with the vanilla kits.

    [-] I don’t see how one would create a “tutorial”. I mean, a sign should be enough. “Right click sign and choose a kit, then jump” or something like that.

    As for more players, well, thats a global EC thing. So honestly I don’t have an opinion on that, it’s something that needs to be eventually done.

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