Riverside Mayor Inactivity


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #56665 Score: 0

    So yeah, mayor smexyrainbows was offline for 28 days, that’s almost a month. All the other assistants are inactive too (caelan 18 days, smexyburrito 8 days), so I want to claim leadership of Riverside. I’m just saying, all the other assistants are never online, they just come once or twice every month. The town’s a ruin, and I want to fix that up.

    #56667 Score: 0


    That would be neat for richardivan to own that town lol 😛

    #56668 Score: 0


    The mayor has to be inactive for a LONG time for that to happen but I will report it regardless.

    #56673 Score: 0


    Lol, now RiverSide is going to expand near my town, Also, you would be a good mayor RichardIvan. But what happens if you’re mayor and past mayor comes back on?

    #56703 Score: 0


    ^ Usually the past owner can request to take back the town with acknowledgement with the “temp” owner.

    I feel that Richard can be a great mayor if done right. :3
    So if the heads approve, go ahead.

    #56704 Score: 0


    That would be nice if they approve zev :3

    #56715 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Maybe he must be on for about 2 months for you to claim that town to be yours.

    #58025 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    I would just like to point out that i only gave smexy the town like 30 maybe 40 days ago so i approve of him taking over.
    Aidan Ex-Riverside mayor (Gra)

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