rockstorm125 mod application for the prison server


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications rockstorm125 mod application for the prison server

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #81171 Score: 0


    hi there im here to apply for my mod and the following things are below

    my name in prison:- rockstorm125

    qualities in me:-im good with everybody,literally play the whole day in ec when holidays and also play regularly, i help many starter people who doesnt get anything i explain it to them i have played many prison servers and feel that ec is the best of it, i know many commands and always reply a person but i dont help them giving them money i just encourage them to work hard and tell them to play fair and i always stop the people to staop using abusive language for example on day a girl newly joined named silcat and her first comment was that she wanted a boyfriend so i told her that this is a server where she should not talk about it cause there are also many small children who can get affected by it and i have been playing ec like a year maybe now and till prison came out i was always on creative so i also know about towny, im also funny with people and make them laugh but im serious,hardworking,and fair while playing the game

    why i want to be a mod:- because i love helping people and the timezone where i live its very hard to a mod and i would love to help people

    atlast i just want to say thank u for your precious time for reading this even if i dont become a mod still ill help other people

    #81180 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Please use the Mod Application Template
    In-game name (with right caps):

    Experience: (Do not advertise)

    How often you are online:

    Server you are applying for:

    Why you want to become a mod:

    #81185 Score: 0

    12 pts


    -never see you help people

    – never see you in-game (maybe because of timezones but nah)

    -never see you on the forums

    – never see you report anything about prison

    – poor mod application

    – did NOT fellow Mod Application Template

    – and i think your only in Rank B

    well this have to be the pooris Mod Application i have even seen on EC try again in 90 days thank you.

    P.s -you just made your forums acc its a 95% you’ll not! get this job.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  2Federal.
    #81191 Score: 0


    Vote Down!
    -Never see you ingame
    -Never see you helping because you’re never ingame and sometimes I pull all nighters and never see you
    -Just made your forums account which makes me come to the conclusion that you are inactive in the forums
    -English is horrible
    -Bad Application
    -Didn’t follow the template

    Try again in 90 days! Good luck then!


    #81192 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. New player
    2. Never been on the forums
    3. English very not good
    4. Anonymity on the forums/server
    5. Not enough experience as a member
    6. Not enough experience as a moderator
    7. I’ve been online for a few days, never seen you online except once
    8. Never see you speaking in the general chat
    9. Never see you helping
    10. Never see you reporting
    11. No template/wrong template used
    12. “im good with everybody…” Right from the start, and you’re bragging
    13. “…literally play the whole day in ec…” That’s complete BS. I’ve been playing on Prison for a bit, and you’re never on!
    14. “…i help many starter people who doesnt get anything i explain it to them…” First of all, pics or didn’t happen. Second of all, what is the word “it” substituting? Basic Russian? Grandma’s secret cookie recipe? Theoretical Rocket Engineering?
    15. “…i have played many prison servers…” Define “many.” Please be specific in your application
    16. “…i dont help them giving them money i just encourage them to work hard and tell them to play fair…” No reason for this to be in your application
    17. “…i always stop the people to staop using abusive language…” Ni**a people be swearin’ and s**t in Prison and you be like “Selling stuff.” I seen no stoppin to no abusivin language yo, you know what I’m saiyin?
    18. “…silcat and her first comment was that she wanted a boyfriend so i told her that this is a server where she should not talk about it…” Actually, that’s allowed. I think relationships, romance, and kissing is considered pious and pure compared to what Prison is all about. Trash talk, drugs, black markets, stuff that doesn’t fit the PG-13 label EC claims to have
    19. “…i have been playing ec like a year maybe now…” I’ve been for two years, yet I’ve never seen you. Coincidence?
    20. You can help people as a member, no need to become a moderator for that to happen
    21. ” atlast just want to… other people.” That’s so cheesy. No need for this to be in your application
    22. “…i was always on creative…” Weird, I used to be an admin on Creative, yet I’ve never seen you
    23. “…i also know about towny…” This is a Prison moderator application. No need to “Putin” your knowledge of the towny concepts and commands
    24. Tons of irrelevant information written in the application
    25. Tons of information missing from the application
    26. Overall, poor application


    #81194 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Agree with Richard, Kevin77555, tavon

    Vote Down

    #81197 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    Reasons mentioned Above!

    #81207 Score: 0


    Too many vote-downs. Chance of becoming mod is -9001. Sorry.

    #81214 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Denied due to unanimous consensus of vote downs.

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