Rude mod/mayor


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This topic contains 22 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Keshan 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #47727 Score: 0


    Due to the absent of xxTheLoneWolfxx trollson takes over HT. A very rude mod. Tells a residents aka dyenxunit that he will never be an assistant again b/c of 1 slip up.what do u think of this???

    #47730 Score: 0


    dyenxunit, he may just be strict. Dont assume 😛

    #47736 Score: 0


    well from my view he’s being rude but others idk

    #47743 Score: 0


    If you made a mistake, he has every right to take assistant perms privileges away from you. I know trollson and he is a reasonable guy. Since it is now his town, his word acts as law in that town.

    #47749 Score: 0


    yea ik but still u don’t think if someone screws up they don’t get a second chance and when lone was in charge he said i have a second chance but trollson takes over he’s just saying no u will NEVER! get a second chance which make me pissed off at him and adding to more hatred against him!

    #47750 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Dynexunit2, as a mayor myself, this is a tough nut the crack. Let’s put it in examples. Let’s say you lived in another empire with a different emperor and he will give you second chance to become a knight. A conqueror comes and just kills your emperor and takes over the entire kingdom, he now has new rules, and new things, and because it is now his kingdom, he will not give you a second change to become a knight. What just happend was Trollson took over HappyTown and then made his own laws and rules which replaced the ones before. This is what I can say: Something bad should be done to Trollson for taking over for mayor without no permission, but he shouldn’t be punished because he set his own rules and made it so that you can’t become assistant anymore. So that’s all I can say, but note that other towns may give you a chance at assistant.

    #47751 Score: 0


    yea that is true, trollson is just the type of guy that won’t give u a second chance at life or anything. If ur reading this trollson Note that I’m starting to have hatred towards u.

    #47754 Score: 0


    If I had to guess, I’d say it has something to do with you being immature and abusing your powers, dyen. I saw the entire conversation transpire in town chat, Trollson was in no way rude or out of line. Stop spreading lies.

    #47755 Score: 0


    The last thing you want to do is talk about how much you hate him. If you made a mistake, he has the right to make you pay the price. Mods do the same thing to cheaters and hackers. It is his town now, and he can kick you from it if he wants.

    #47757 Score: 0


    ik that but its just that I’m very pissed off at him for telling me that he could of just said to me dyenx u cannot be an assistant anymore instead of saying do u still not understand that u will NEVER! become an assistant again. According to the rules of being a mod u are spouse to me nice to other players. right now trollson is showing me hatred against me.

    #47758 Score: 0


    You can’t get him for not letting you be assistant, if he simply doesn’t want you for as assistant for any reason at all. He’s mayor and period there is no specific reason that he has to give you or so much as explain to you why he wont have you as an assistant.

    This is simply a UN-logical thing to complain.

    #47759 Score: 0


    no its not that exactly its the fact that he couldn’t tell me nicely and sort of yelled at me.

    #47762 Score: 0


    dyenxunit.Trollson isnt gonna do that for sure.I never saw him like that before.He might be just take up his word again and make you assistant.So the best thing to do is,just do your best and keep up your trust to him


    #47766 Score: 0


    Man just beacause you cant be assistant..

    #47768 Score: 0


    Well i’m preety sure trollson was not rude to you at all. Let alone how could he be a mod with that kind of attitude. Well no offence but i hate people with that kind of attitude. Those who can’t get what they want and start spreading rumors. Trollson was being strict. However if you still think that his being nasty , come look for me and i will be more STRICTER.
    ~Kind Regards, CheesyMoggs

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