Sad News about Hockey3737


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This topic contains 23 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 10 years ago.

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  • #59328 Score: 0


    I may not be able to do anything to make up for the losses of the lost members of this community. I may not be able to bring the grief out of their family’s eyes but I will do what I can to honor and remember these members lost to destiny.

    Each member shall have a certain memorial in my town for which we can remeber them. This act of mine will not make up for it. I will try to appease their memory.

    The ocean pushes items on the shore, it then takes them back. All we can do is watch and wish to have them back


    #59331 Score: 0


    My deepest condolences go out to the family of Hockey3737 and this will hopefully remind us how fortunate we are to still be here.

    RIP Hockey3737

    #59348 Score: 0


    I am very sorry about your lost, I dont know what to say… This is very sad :(

    #59350 Score: 0


    He was one of my best friends…. :(

    #59353 Score: 0


    :( I just dont know what to say. Even though I dont know him, its still a great loss to ec.
    RIP Hockey3737

    #59384 Score: 0


    And t’was the day we lost a friend
    A member, always a ECsian to the end
    Although his troubles we couldn’t amend
    His days here are happiness that we send

    Most players n’ver heard of he
    The boy who lived in rural seas
    But now he’s gone and all will see
    The guy that he could be

    Let’s not Moan for such things
    He will always be happy
    For it’s the journey here that partially brings
    The life, spirit of latest Mr. Hockey

    #59390 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Can I know when he born and when he died ? And his real name?
    I wanna make a gravestone for him :(

    #59392 Score: 0


    I’m so sorry for your brother…. i don’t really know what to say , im so depressed…. i feel my cheeks are getting wet … :'(

    #95087 Score: 0

    20 pts

    *Sorry for replying to an old thread*

    My condolences, he was probably amazing… It’s very rare we lose an EC member due to untimely death… which makes it even sadder

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

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