School shootings
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Tagged: School shootings
This topic contains 12 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by AnderZENZ 6 years, 9 months ago.
Hey guys, can you tell your friends to stop shooting people in real life? No but seriously, any idea why this is happening? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I noticed this started happening after we closed the server so not sure what to think.
I hear a lot of debate about banning guns and of course the “videogames makes people violent” argument, but to be honest I am not convinced that any of the solutions proposed deal with the issue and nobody talks about the reasons why this is happening so I figured I should ask. Is it because these shooters were bullied? If so, why do they seek revenge against random students? I can definitely relate to being unliked by society but this behavior doesn’t make sense to me. I am just trying to understand. Any opinions are welcome.
PD: Shoutout to anyone who has been a victim of any of these past horrible events. Trust me guys: there is life after school and it’s worth waiting for. Be safe.
Yes, all these school shootings do need to stop ASAP…. The last one I heard about was about an week or two and it was sad and also scary to hear the bad news, teens were also getting ready to leave school for the Summer and I never do understand these kind of events. People can blame Video Games all they want, but a fucking carton shouldn’t even be close to the reason in taking many many lives.
Bully could be the reason, but I couldn’t understand being bully to point where you have to bring a Gun to school and start killing teens. If anything I “Roast People” but some may see that as the same thing as being a Bully, but with “Roasting” it’s always jokes n games.
I somewhat blame the parents for such events due to the fact that a simple teen shouldn’t be walking around with a Gun or anything to harm other teens, I’m even watching parts of the News where some dumbo has a huge gun on his hip walking down street and I’m very sure he has kids as well, and that may go to show you that the parents might be the reasons on why these teens are getting guns from.
I can understand parents having guns too be safe, but make it safe from your kid as well if that’s the case. People will also start being Home-schooled if this keeps up because I have been thinking of this for a while myself, but hopefully these events can turn around and be stop so kids can go to school safe.
There’s a commonality with the school shootings: Either the school has shit security and lets any random person in just because they said “hi, my name is” OR the school resource officer was a pussy (Parkland *cough*) and refused to confront the shooter, OR the kid stole their parents gun (irresponsible gun owner). I personally don’t think we need to take away guns from everyone, because a school shooting is a one in a trillion event. But we should make sure people should get mandatory mental health screenings before buying a gun or even getting a license.
Oh, and hold gun stores accountable, because this is ridiculous:
Get gun laws like Australia problem solved.
Some games like PUBG are more realistically based, but in my honest opinion, I do not see any correlation to the increase of school shooting. Although a game involves guns, there is a lot to operating a gun. Recoil, adding attachments, ammo, reloading, and etc. This part isn’t taught in the popular games that kids play. The only thing kids learn or experience is the fun of shooting other players with a weapon.
But again, we have a game called “Active Shooter.” This one focuses in the environment of a school and literally teaches kids to shoot up a school. Like this type of game is something that should not be allowed. Big thanks to Valve for taking action.’s also a joke about school shooting. It’s like a trend where people teens find it funny and don’t take it seriously. It’s more of being cool when someone says “I’m going to shoot up the school.” The culture around this is messed up.
The last issue is that there are a lot of teens are going through a lot and don’t express themselves. Some build up anger and releases it with a form of violence. Teachers and other parents need to talk with their kids and have an open communication with each other, or else some develop diseases, depression, or a motive to cause harm since they are trouble and don’t have someone leading them to the right place.
its all incels doing the shootings
Most shooters got their violence from books or their own writing. The parents and the gun stores are at fault for these as it’s very easy to get a gun in the US and the parents either don’t keep the gun somewhere safe and secure or don’t discipline the shooter
Some of the answers here sound really odd. Let’s not forget: school shootings are mostly centered in the United States. That would mean that there is something wrong with either the laws or the culture in the U.S. that triggers horrific events such as these.
That said, Wither’s idea that certain games lead to school shootings sounds a little far fetched. Video games on the internet can be downloaded from all countries, not only the U.S. If the game was the cause, shootings would appear elsewhere. I find it hard that games like PUBG would encourage this behavior. It’s not only games that teach the use of guns, there are real-life gun ranges all over the country. Not everyone that goes there is encouraged to shoot a school. What is true is that games like Active Shooter discourage teenagers from taking these events seriously. The result of this is a mass of “edgy” memes and a general community of teens that think shootings and other events are a joke.
In addition, all that people are saying about wrong discipline is true; a bad life of any sort will lead to negative emotions that may be expressed through anger. That anger may manifest in several ways: bullying, rebellious behavior, alcohol or drugs, and in most cases, a combination of several of these behaviors that all lead up to a decision by the shooter that a large group of people is responsible for their life and need to pay. So it would make sense that an attack is motivated by being an incel, however, there are many more reasons (For anyone who doesn’t know: an incel is a person who hasn’t had any romantic or sexual relationships and believes that this is caused by the people around him. Video about incels.). So a shooter may have had a rough childhood due to his schoolmates constantly bullying them, or they could just feel the need to be better than others, as shown by the Wikipedia page for one of the worst school massacres in history.
It doesn’t help that legal authorities are not stepping in. Sure, the police will appear to arrest the shooter and make sure everyone is safe, but a day later no higher authorities will take measures to prevent a shooting from occurring again. To give a sense of how effective it would be if American gun laws were changed, take Australia for example. Their last attack of this nature was in 1996, and following the incident, laws changed and no such events have occurred.
Some might even argue that it’s the parents’ fault for not properly disciplining the attacker, and to that end, I find it convincing. Hundreds of children will act against their parents; it is up to the parents to make sure their children are taught to stop their bad behaviors. Ignoring such actions may lead to even more violent actions. And in the chance that a parent leaves their weapons on the reach of their children, awful things may happen.
It’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause. Every event has a reason and every person has a story, so no one shooter would say the same thing. But it is true that nothing is done to prevent it. If authorities don’t change gun laws and American parents do not change their form of discipline, the chances of another shooting occurring are very high.
We found a graffiti in our school that read “I’ll shoot up the school on May 25th”. No one showed up on May 25th
There was a school shooting at Noblesville, Indiana on May 25th. Maybe the shooter moved there so nobody suspected from a someone who just moved in.
Let’s see if we can get to June 25th without any school shootings.
Everyone makes valid points except for megaSeth010 so he might get demoted for his insolence.
The thing that puzzles me is that bullying + guns have existed for a long time but school shootings have just trended in the recent years, so the cause must be something new. Moreover, bullying used to be worst in the past and the society as a whole have been increasingly putting more effort in being politically correct. One thing that didn’t exist is cyberbullying so that might be related. Some say that due to the fact that the shooters are male and have no friendship/relationship with a partner that this is the root cause of the shootings. The feeling of failure as a male for not being able to find a partner creates hostility towards society in general. This sounds plausible to me but the truth is that only the kids who actually know the shooters and their environment can confirm or provide an explanation for this phenomenon.
Social rejection can be tragic, and we are ill equipped to do something about it. We don’t have a way to simulate love yet. Japan has had this problem for a long time but without guns their people just go into further isolation, they are coming up with solutions like waifus, sex robots and smart home systems that give the isolated person a reason to live and the feeling of being needed/wanted, even if it’s just a fantasy, fantasies can go a long way. Some people frown upon these solutions and outright reject them, but I believe we should embrace these solutions. There are GF/BF roleplay videos in YouTube that could provide some relief for the loners so that could be one way to solve it.
Some also say that USA should improve their mental health services and make them more affordable but I don’t know, as an introvert myself I don’t feel like talking to another human being about my problems, and coming from a poor family I wouldn’t be able to pay for it either so I would have just ignored that option. I have found more success by watching youtube videos about philosophy, meditation and life advice. One of my favorite channels is “The school of life”, it has been a great help in understanding my emotions and why others behave the way they do. Also, I found myself more receptive whenever I stumble upon a video in the comfort of my home, it also gives me time to reflect about it without being distracted by having someone waiting for my input so they can analyze it, but that’s just me and that’s what’s works for me. Let me know, what do you think about mental health? are you open to it? do you think a potential shooter would seek help if mental health were more affordable?
except for megaSeth010 so he might get demoted for his insolence
lol it’s just a prank
In all seriousness, though, I feel like the publicity might play a part in it. There’s no way to really tell whether or not it is, since I can’t see media not report on it, since tugging on reader/viewer’s heart strings like that is a great way for them to get clicks/views/whatevers.
I don’t know though. I’m both desensitized to that sort of thing, and don’t have to deal with it. As Oreo had stated, the last one here was Port Arthur, some 22 years ago now.I think the publicity plays a part in it too. Like for real, if there was a serial killer in the 1800s you wouldn’t hear about it outside of like 20 miles away, but now if anything happens the negative story-seeking media immediately jumps on it for that money milking. Then, a mentally unstable person sees that and goes “Hey, if I do that I could go down in history… LETS DO IT”
Side note btw, I fucking hate the US media. There is no such thing as an unbiased news source. Fuckin On Xanax news, Comedy News Network, etc
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