semi vanilla vinayakoo7 and faction unban


Home Forums Global General Discussion semi vanilla vinayakoo7 and faction unban

This topic contains 13 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  JuhJuhDuck 9 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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  • #122831 Score: 0


    wither how is the semi vanilla server am i chozen to help

    BTW iam stil banned from factions i bumped alot but no luck someone unan me i dont use hacks or bypass bannes

    #122832 Score: 0


    For the semi-vanilla:
    No,you are not chosen since you got banned in Facs

    #122834 Score: 0

    1 pt

    More useless topics, yay

    #122836 Score: 0


    trevish did wither say that he said he will choose me and me and wither talked about the bann it was a mis under standing iwaas looking forward to the semi server
    deaser no one asked u mind ur own buisness this is not useless

    #122837 Score: 0

    1 pt

    If you were chosen for the semi-vanilla server, you would have been contacted by wither or trevish, and if your ban appeal wasn’t looked at, you just bump it again or speak to one of the mods.

    Also, you don’t tell me to mind my own business. This is a public forum and I can say whatever the hell I want as long as I’m not breaking any rules.

    #122838 Score: 0


    ok sorry no hard feelings and i did contact wither we talked about the ban
    i dont know about the SV server he dosent know about me in the se va server
    lemme contact him

    #122842 Score: 0


    deasertman have the right to comment on this since he is in our team of Semi-Survival.And no,i don’t need your help cause i can’t trust as we can see you have a bad behaviour towards the public

    #122843 Score: 0


    look please i was not rude me and deaser went off the wrong edge ok i did not mean to be rood
    please U CANT DOO THIS I HAVE BEEN WORKING HARD IWAS THINKIng soo much about the server soo excited please…

    #122844 Score: 0


    PLEASE trevish please deaser please wither please

    #122845 Score: 0


    You can still support us by suggesting your ideas on out topic here[ ] and by being active on our server when it will be open and maybe invite your friends or even donate :O?

    #122846 Score: 0


    i want to work on it with u i hac experiance trust me

    #122858 Score: 0


    IGN: cookiemonsterIV 😀

    Experience: 2 years of Minecraft and 2 years watching semi vanilla let’s plays.

    I think i can help because i can come up with great ideas and i am good with helping other players with the gameplay.

    I also think semi vanilla would be a perfect server for EC and it could get EC more players.

    Trevish i think this is a great idea because semi vanilla is like just a free lets play with other player which would be fun because i am one of the people who don’t like playing single player and personally think multiplayer is better so that means i will be active. Although as it is i play Minecraft 2-6 hours a day.

    I hope you pick me to help with this project because semi-vanilla is a really great idea and i wanna help getting it to EC

    #122862 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Cookie, this isn’t the place to post it..

    #122867 Score: 0

    2 pts

    XD that made my day.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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