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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ReconStrikeDelta 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #29841 Score: 0



    Today i was online and i was pvping , at pvp hill it was me “BlazerGhost” And “U7W2” (or whatever his name is). so i decided to snipe from the top, first u7w2 told me to
    “Die in a hall”
    “Go to hell”
    “Die in hell”.
    So my reply was “Thanks! means a lot :D”
    then BlazerGhost says

    “Why you being such a little bitch Hella. You Scared to get your ass owned?”

    My reply was “Thanks for the compliment! Means alot guys! :D”

    Then blazerGhost says “Your very welcome HellaFushJDM. Maybe you could come back to pvp hill when you grown some balls?”

    I Didnt Reply.

    To me that sounds like i wasnt disrespectful?

    After about 3 minutes, It said that “You have been muted for 1 Hour”

    I got mad. The person that was getting cursed at and being told to die in hell got muted?….

    The only Donor online was KittyCat. I dont know who else couldve muted me for an hour…

    (Icyvoid And MattDude85 Saw all of this)

    Well now im stuck with a 1 hour mute :D….

    Thanks for being fair…


    #29842 Score: 0


    You agged on the convo by calling him a brat, adn lots of other shit. dont just say wut he did. and you cussed him too. you and him were both muted for good reason. dont lie. and icy can say the same thing.

    #29843 Score: 0


    Fiery.. I can admit i agged the convo but i didnt curse back to him what so ever!

    #29844 Score: 0


    HellaFushJDM provide screenshots and also state the whole side of the story. Show all the things that happened in the screenshots. Other than that you cannot just say he did something without sufficient evidence.

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