Server Lag


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Server Lag

This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  ADCKnight 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #32599 Score: 0


    Umm BornCorp? I wished to tell you something for the server lag.Basically,Based on what the mods said,Redstone lags the server ALOT! as in total ALOOOOOOOTT.Wich makes me think that Primus’s farms are lagging the server coz he makes those automatic farms for people like nicholastrias’s near the pvp hill.And more near the spawn.I suggest to have a farm taxes wich would be just :/ 500 a day? that would be cool.I wish you agree to this and thanks for reading this.Have a good day!

    #32605 Score: 0

    5 pts

    I don’t think that the automatic melon farms cause the lag, since the redstone circuit powers only once a mc day (correct if im wrong) Mostly likely lag is caused by one of the plugins or something that has nothing to do with the players buildings.

    #32607 Score: 0


    Not minecraft day.Coz donors always switches the weather whenever they want to.If it turns night they turn it day,And if they want it to turn it night when its day,they do it.

    #32608 Score: 0

    2 pts

    God Proxy The melon farms are not to blame for this quote “lag”. I have both a very bad computer (6 fps on tiny) and a very good computer( 150+ fps on normal). And i do not experience any lag on either of the two when standing right next to the automatic farms when they cycle. Sometime the server is laggy and sometimes its not.

    #32609 Score: 0


    GodProxy before blaming the melon farms for the lag you need proof. If they were causing lag the mods would have removed them by now.


    #32615 Score: 0


    It lags only for a very short while when the server itself is already very laggy. USually i wont lag.

    #32621 Score: 0

    14 pts

    1. Auto Melon farms do not have those repeting redstone things that make it lag and it is 100% controled by day and night time.

    2. Donor powers of day and night should be restriced a bit likebefore with a vote so it is fair and reduces lag

    3. Mob Arena is a huge plugin that NOW HAS 2 ARENAS and tons of classes and mobs that will lag the server a LOT.

    4. Getting back LAgg Clear would help a lot. I swear. You already have auto melon farms, what is the point of loosing any when they just pick up useless stuff on the floor and reduce lag.

    5. Anticheat needs a lesson. It cannot tell between server lag and breaking blocks and breaking blocks in water. This kicks a lot of players and warn u that you are hacking.

    #32630 Score: 0


    Anit cheat over reacts at times. I have found being kicked by a mod helps :P. Clear lag gets rid of paintings and stuff. The circuits are not even on a clock. It is once a day. The real thing that lags the server in my opinion is all the lava and water griefing the the wilderness.

    #32632 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Are u high, water and lava are just like blocks that DON”T LAG ….


    Ec had it before untill people conplained about their damn melons.

    #32635 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Well wither i ll answer EGGxactly like u 😛

    1-100% controlled by day/night thingy? Yeah my melons grow super fast in 2 minutes thats finish if someone set it day

    2-ur right 😀

    3-Huuhhhh seriously theres a server that makes ONLY mob arenas they dont do anything else theres like 200 mob arenas with each of it different classes,and all is on the same server,not each ma on a different one so its not cause of lag at all

    4-totally right 😀

    5-Ur right too and personally i sujest to install A
    NoCheatPlus its 100x bettr than Anticheat

    #32636 Score: 0


    Water and lava when flowing from huge towers in the sky cause lag. Source blocks don’t but the non-source blocks do.

    #32639 Score: 0

    14 pts

    i see what u mean now ….

    #32689 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Well… Most of the above posts are correct except they assume that all automatic redstone machines use daylight sensors. I personally don’t use daylight sensors because of the day voting making it day too often. I’d imagine the timer I use on my automatic potion machine would make lag if there were a lot of them, as it uses hoppers in conjunction with comparators to make a hopper loop with stacks of cobble inside going in a loop and powering the farm each lap. Technical shizzle wizzle aside, it’s a fairly accurate adjustable clock.

    Speaking of the automatic farms, I’d imagine the 100’s of hoppers full of items would be much more lag-inducing than a redstone signals on/off status.

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