Server offline


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This topic contains 22 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  LegendaryQwerty 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3447 Score: 0


    I just came on to the server, and I died, and I lost all my stuff… Who will repay me for my lost items? This is becoming irritating, and I love this server, but if I cannot play peacefully, and this kind of mistakes happening, I may not play anymore. I lost 107 XP, Godswords, GodBow, food, diamonds, diamond armor, etc.

    #3448 Score: 0



    Now, before I start, I am not one to get mad and all, but I am done with this. I cannot do anything on the server, and I am tired of waiting almost every other time. The server, and/or the host, and people dedicated to help the problems that arise seem to not be doing anything. *Sigh* I am really irritated, as will other people be. Now, for those of you who can even contribute the smallest bit get to work!!! I am being a NOOB and all and saying get to work but seriously. (And thanks to those who are actually doing something, I appreciate it) But come on! Does the server have to shut down every other minute? (That’s a rhetorical question). Thanks for your time and effort, but these problems really need to be cleaned up, and this needs to be cleaned up soon. People are waiting for people to clean this up! We are counting on you! Thanks


    #3456 Score: 0


    Don’t worry, i’ll try and get born to roll back anything that happened.

    Edit: I have no approximate time for when the plugins/server will be fixed. It depends on if the server will auto-restart, or when any head mods will come online.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  Chibichuba.
    #3459 Score: 0


    Update: The server has been fixed! Everything is back to normal, feel free to join.

    Happy Crafting,

    #3460 Score: 0


    Dear Chibichuba,

    I have been happy to be informed (by you) and I am taking this time to thank you for keeping me notified and updated on the latest news. I am glad this server has people alike you to take care of us “Minecrafters” and help us in our ways.




    #3465 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I can’t get online.

    #3469 Score: 0


    The server is down because the plugins have crashed and in result people that are not the original owners have logged onto accounts under certain names of power at eternal and have caused havoc, this problem can only fixed by borncorp as the situation is bigger than you may think. Please understand and the server should be back to normal soon thank-you for your co-operation and patience.

    #3473 Score: 0


    Hope it will be fix as soon as possible :/

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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