Server rules and mod shenanigans


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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #2852 Score: 0


    Okay, there are some things that are a bit unclear on the server. I would like to hear from born, what he thinks, the rules are. Since a lot of people have been saying different things..

    Okay, the caps rule is smart. I have nothing against it since I don’t like extreme use of caps. But, some people says that 1 word caps is okay, others two.. someone, who I talked to today, warned someone for making two words (each other) in uppercase. I just don’t think that’s right. I mean, we can’t make any bold text or underlined one, so sometimes it can be hard to see how you emphasize some of the words. An example:

    I meant that we wouldn’t talk to him
    I meant that we wouldn’t talk to HIM

    The second one is much clearer and better. I know you can change the sentence a bit to make it better, but still. It feels kinda ridiculous seeing mods go around and warn people for one word caps according to me :/

    Another thing that disturbs me is, actually, all the backseat moderating. I mean, I know some people wants to become moderators and such, but seriously, sometimes it really irritates me. If I did something wrong, like swearing one time, I wouldn’t like someone who isn’t moderator and know exactly as much as I do about the server and its rules, warning me and saying: “Maz, plz don’t use caps unless u want to get banned!!”. According to me, that’s the moderators work.
    But, that’s not the worst part. What I don’t like, is when everyone is saying “Ban him! Hahahah! You stupid griefer! OOoh, and don’t forget that he used caps before!!”. That just makes me tired.


    Just what I think. I can understand if some of you disagree with me, but seriously, just think about it.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  MaZ18.
    #2855 Score: 0

    23 pts

    well, the moderation has to go with the flow of the community. If theres just a few people on then a few caps wont hurt anybody, but if theres a lot of people then we have to be more strict with the caps. As a general rule, if more than 20% of your message has caps then I would issue a warning, but it all depends on how are the caps being used and if the person is aware that using caps is annoying for other players. Its not an exact science, otherwise I would some kind of automated tool to do it

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