Server Rules Suggestion


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This topic contains 17 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  caspillo 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16548 Score: 0

    3 pts

    As I’ve been playing the Main EC server, I know there is rules and all, but I think the punishments are a bit too strict on a few. For one, I am seeing a lot of people getting banned for Hunger Games glitching now, first it was just a warning and jail time, now it’s a perm in-game tag, and IP? Hmm, what else gets perm in-game tag and IP banned,….. hackers do; I don’t think HG glitching and hacking should be in the same boat.  Instead of Banning people for taking useless items, ones that don’t stand a chance against diamond gear, a temp ban would be better, and if it is repeated make it a longer temp ban.

    Another one is respect, yes, we all hate disrespectful players, but instead of perm ban for repeated offenses, just do forever muted. They can play the game, but never talk to another in chat ever again.

    Assistants that grief towns, everyone ‘really’ hates these, instead of perm ban, how about putting a ‘griefer’ tag similar to the lurer tag, but they can’t join a town for a long period of time, or never be able to.

    People who xray, the punishment is good as it is, but I think temp ban would be better; first offense 24 hour ban with inventory wipe is good, but for the 2nd it should be a week temp ban, with main chests wiped, then 3rd should be credits wiped, and main chests wiped, with a 2 week temp ban, then 4th and so on would increase it in weeks, 1 week to 2, 2 to 3 etc.

    People who ask to be OP or headmod, then they get perm banned. I think, a temp ban would be better, or muted, since it is just chat, not like they hacked the server and became headmod.

    People who scam, not sure if they can get perm banned, but if they do, instead of doing that, first offense is a credits wipe( if the player doesn’t have a lot of credits, so they aren’t affected by the credit wipe, temp 24 hour in-game tag, and IP ban) and have a black tag called,” scammer”

    For the tags like lurer that makes the whole username black, I find it hard to read sometimes, making the tag dark red, or red would be more visible.

    The new recent glitch/exploit for copying and pasting enchantments to stacked gear, yes we know it is really bad, but a main chests and inventory wipe with a 2 day temp ban would be better, then 2nd offense credit, main and inventory wipe, and a 1 week temp ban, then increase more after more offenses, but not perm ban. Also, instead of banning the anvil from the game, why can’t holding shift and buying from scs be gone. Don’t know how to do that? just use the buying feature like /warp shop, holding shift and buying doesn’t work over there. If donors complain that it will spam their chat, how about let them know when they log in, or when they are playing, their stands are empty. Only suggesting this because no one can repair their tools, or gear, they have to re-enchant it with new gear.

    For the HG glitchers, instead of perm banning first offense, let’s try the HG suggestion from the top of the thread; also fix the HG glitch, don’t know? Why don’t you look at the mob arena, and use the login feature in there and put it into HG. There is a reason why there isn’t any mob arena glitchers that spawn in with god gear, try doing something like that, and to make it a bit more fun, there should be some random chests out there instead of the middle, so everyone doesn’t have to rush into the middle.

    I am only making this thread because all I see on these forums is ban appeals, for stuff that isn’t ‘that’ big of a deal, some stuff is important and needs a ban appeal, but other things shouldn’t go that far. One day, I saw over 15 players get perm in-game tag, and IP, that’s crazy…. it doesn’t help the server at all. If everyone is just ban happy, then the server is just recycling players, taking out the old players that play a lot, and put in new players that barely play at all, or picking off the players until the server is not fun, or not a lot of players left.

    If there is too much players do to the fact a lot of players like this server, try adding more RAM to the server to reduce lagg and add more players, and if this is possible, advertise that donating makes the server better, which will encourage more players to donate and maybe adding more games to keep their interest, even have a special shop for each game that gives you points for playing each game. You’ll have to make a minimum player count for some games, so players won’t exploit it, but it keeps it more interesting.

    It’s just doing a perm ban for things and/or actions that isn’t hacking, shouldn’t result in perm ban. A guardian or headmod doing a perm ban is like an execution, they just kill them off the server forever. It’s too high of a punishment, that should only be used in last resort, not a first offense tool.

    #16549 Score: 0

    3 pts

    sorry for the long post, but all of it had to be covered.

    #16550 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Interesting suggestions. But it all boils down to this.

    Play by server rules, or not at all.

    Players that are perm banned are given plenty of warning about the consequence of their actions. If they commit a crime on the server, they do so at their own risk.


    #16567 Score: 0


    While i agree fully with most of this skills, It would be too much work to do it all. Plus we already have a griefer tag that goes to assistant abuse, its only major abuse that gets ban now. Hg glitching is gonna have to stay with the ban until players learn to stop doing it becoz we are finding random players who just joined the server the day before, hg glitching to try and be cool. Im sure zupers or myself will suggest some of these to a head mod


    #16574 Score: 0


    i agree with u with everything. espescialy like the  one were it says that the mods need to giv ppl warnings NO ONE EVER TOLD ME NOT TO DUP and i got ban the first time i did it they didnt even giv me a chance or warning.

    #16575 Score: 0


    i was never warned about duping personaly.

    #16578 Score: 0


    Skills is kinda right about you guys are banning lots of people that play a lot like gunsmith me and skills and others  like gunsmith donated twice to help the server but now u guys lost him for something i did. Like the people that dup and hg glitch r the people that have been here a long time but now since ban them theres new players but how are u gonna start from a pick one bread and 10 torches? and if u get invited to a town nothing really matters cause all u do there is live there then the new players get bored so they hg glitch and dup and xray. u guys should do that warning stuff. and if they dont hg glitch or dup or xray or whatever  they r still bored then they will leave the server.

    #16580 Score: 0


    u guys should giv them at least like 3k so they can buy some materials for there start of the server. for all the new players that join.

    #16626 Score: 0


    any one else think its good?

    #16668 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I think /kit tools is better to have, when I go griefing, they need to use those tools when they lost their homes in the wilderness

    #16836 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Last Bump for the suggestions

    #16837 Score: 0


    Head mods should be cycled

    #16838 Score: 0


    New Head Mods should be picked if anything.

    #16839 Score: 0


    Ya I agree we need new mods to cycle.

    #16840 Score: 0


    ( ^ω^ )

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