Server Updates & Suggestions


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This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Skeletor 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #90872 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Since Survival is the main server on EC I decided to put this topic here.

    Hey everyone. I’m a Survival Expert mod called TheHighOreo. So I decided to create a document full of all the complaints, updates, requests, and suggestions that mods and players would like to see and then send this document to Born. And of course since there are timezone differences I was not able to see all suggestions that people requested on the forums. So I decided to create a topic where everyone could post their suggestions that didn’t receive the “will be taken into consideration” message from a mod. So if you have any suggestion that you still want to suggest to the server owner reply here and I will add them into my document. I will be looking into the best ones and those that don’t make it to my document will receive a mail in-game about why I denied your suggestion. Also if you don’t want your idea to be seen by everyone feel free to send me a mail in-game in the Survival server. Or if you have a suggestion that is too long to fit in a mail or a reply, add me on Skype and message me what you want to suggest.
    My Skype name is abdo7649.
    I will be bumping this every few days so it could show up on different time zones, so expect me to be spamming this topic. <3
    Thank you everyone for your time, and I hope that my document will reach Born’s attention and he will be able to check everything that is included. :)

    #90873 Score: 0


    This is a Good Idea Oreo I ll think of something and i ll tell you :) its a really GOOD IDEA EPIC

    #90876 Score: 0


    More server slots…

    #90877 Score: 0

    16 pts

    More events on EC. I see guards and admins being on, but once their chests and stuff are done, they just go away. I haven’t seen an event in survival since months, and I want to play something like soccer or dodgeball really badly once again.

    #90880 Score: 0

    How long were you an expertmod 😮

    #90886 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Something I suggested not so long ago was to revive the EC or EternalCracked skype chat. Reasons + many more things: :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    (This topic isn’t only for Survival, is it?)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Dicedead.
    #90889 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I think redo the spawn and just modernize the whole server, I might be able to design a new spawn 😉

    #90890 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Edit button gone e.e

    Basically what I’m saying is: out with the old in with the new, change it up!!

    #90901 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I don’t think we can add more slots. Donating will help you get in faster .-.

    #90904 Score: 0

    20 pts

    About 80% of our members don’t have a way to pay and or don’t have spare money to donate -..-

    #90963 Score: 0

    1 pt

    To answer Richard’s question: In 9 days (from my timezone) or at 13th of January it will be considered a full year of being an expert mod. 😀 Yeah I know… that’s too long. ._.
    “More events on EC.”
    Will be added.
    ” revive the EC or EternalCracked skype chat.”
    Will be added.
    “redo the spawn and just modernize the whole server”
    Will be added.
    “Donating will help you get in faster .-.”
    Will request better donation options I guess? Maybe not since I don’t have any in mind. XD
    Really sorry Syth, but the idea of increasing player limit is currently going and as far as I know it isn’t possible. :(

    #92216 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Double Bump~
    You guys sure this is everything? There’s gotta be SOMETHING else that you guys want added to the server. o.o

    #92220 Score: 0


    Alright Oreo…I’ve got something.

    For survival I would enjoy a nether reset and more expandable options for towny, such as CoMayors can elect assistants, we can use the freakin flint and steel again, and we can use iron golems again! I haven’t been able to produce any iron since the golems won’t spawn in my farm. So this isn’t really things that need to be added, it’s things that need to be fixed in my honest opinion.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Skeletor.
Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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