Server's Stance on Luring


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This topic contains 22 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20301 Score: 0


    Hi, I’d like to report a standard case of luring as shown below in the two links and I’d like clarification as to what the server’s stance on luring is. I’ve heard that a certain GuardianMod has expressed his thoughts on luring and how the server does not need to apprehend  lurers anymore. Can someone confirm this and do what is necessary to takoballball if that is not the case. Thank you.,FbdivXm

    #20308 Score: 0


    Ahahahha actually. Did u read up the meaning of luring?
    Here i provided a link for u :

    In case u are unable to understand from all that, luring: Something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward.
    All i did was send a random tp request to u and i didnt even contact with u b4, sooo yea how isit luring when there is nothing to attract u? No promise of pleasure (sounds weird) or reward? Its your own mistake for randomly accepting a tp. Even if i say, Hey tp to me and i dont state for what? its your responsibility to find out the reason for wanting u to tp to me. If i say im giving u stuff and den i kill you, den i deserve the punishment 😀 I told you its your own fault. You made me even have to find a web for you

    #20317 Score: 0

    7 pts

    It is both of you mistakes.

    takoballball= request random Tp

    Wills= Accept random Tp

    #20318 Score: 0


    Yeap. The choice is there to let u accept or deny. Its not consider lure if thers nothing to attract u. its like saying. Wow i got a tp accept!! If i do tp accept ill get tons of diamond blocks and all the god items!!. Dude nothing was stated like that -.- do tp deny -.-

    #20319 Score: 0


    cookie ghanim also said mean things to me he said i should commit suicide and f*ck myself


    #20321 Score: 0


    It’s quite ironic actually. I remember when you were in the exact same situation tako, it’s called hypocriticism. Lets face it, no-one likes a hypocrit correct? Very disappointed to be honest tako, how you would do this to someone.

    #20329 Score: 0


    The thing is toblerone i was tp lured because i was doing a trade not because i accepted a random tp

    #20330 Score: 0


    OO i cant edit my post for some reason. If i accepted a random tp n died I know its my own fault. but if the person says hey free diamonds if u tp den its obviously luring which was what happened to me

    #20363 Score: 0


    It’s the malicious intent and harming of others that we classify luring. Any TPA request that has an attack on the other side of it regardless is considered luring.


    In this case, the reward or promise is a fulfilled curiosity.

    #20365 Score: 0


    So if we TPA someone and kill them (even with no tricks) it’s considered luring?

    #20368 Score: 0


    Seems as if someone made this thread a Super Sticky, Removed that in case of mistake, feel free to re-add it if this isn’t a mistake.

    #20369 Score: 0


    So Chibi, if that is true (Which Nhu denied), can TraffyLaw and Cookie_Ghanim be given “lurer” tags? TraffyLaw was faced by half to HappyTown’s residents, and I warn them sometimes, but many can’t be warned and accept random tpa’s anyway. On the other side, they simply kill them. Cookie_Ghanim tpa’d me, first time just saying hi and stuff, making me think he was harmless, no problem there. He did it again, I brought my stuff this time, thinking he was harmless. He tried to drop me far into the ground (to Bedrock layer), and when he couldn’t, killed me, though I was telling him to stop, taking my Diamond Sword. I asked Nhu, but he said tpa’s without a purpose/award don’t count as luring. Is that true?

    #20380 Score: 0


    So can someone clarify the complete definition of what is considered luring on EternalCracked from one of the moderators, thank you.

    #20384 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    Okay then Wills, Luring is basically when someone sends a /tpahere request to you, with them having the intention of killing you when you accept it

    #20388 Score: 0


    I remember clearly the mods said that if u accept the random unknown tp u should know that u might be killed

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