Setting out a bounty in prison!


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This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  2Federal 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #78465 Score: 0


    Hey guys yesterday I seemed to have combat logged when I was logging off in a hurry. Anyway long story short I lost my godsword named Dave. It’s a diamond sword with sharpness 5 fireaspect 2 knockback 2 unbreaking 3. If you find it and return it to me or kill a person who has it and return it to me you will be given all of the following!

    -1 month of iron donor
    -almost a stack (if not a stack) of iron blocks
    -2 emerald donor pickaxes
    -and 20k Ingame cash!
    -(other perks or bonuses may be added)

    #78470 Score: 0


    If you find it do /mail send Kevin77555 I found it! When I get the message I’ll mail you back and if we get online at the same time we can do the transaction.

    #78471 Score: 0


    If you find it do /mail send Kevin77555 I found it! When I get the message I’ll mail you back and if we get online at the same time we can do the transaction. But you must give it to me first! Ugh internet lag caused me to double post sorry guys!

    #78472 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I will try to find it good luck kevin

    #78474 Score: 0

    12 pts

    me to I will get it kevin

    #78500 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I bet some players will just craft this and rename this to dave xD

    #78523 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Kevin can I buy one of ur swords? XDDD k I’ll try to find it soon.

    #78525 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Kev can I buy a sword wif those enchants and then name it Dave?

    #78549 Score: 0

    12 pts

    well im done helping kevin find that sword its long gone and he don’t need it anyways I do 😛 so may dave a god sword stand down and R.I.P to a sword that was here for a long time on I knew dave when I saw minecrafterloard his new name now is AKA shadowgod84 he was the owner of that sword but he gave it to kevin but kevin lost it by tom AKA jttt3 he went to the OP shop in warp pvp but tom was AFK then he saw what kevin said and he went to the shop and kill kevin with his help boy Mr_tito361 thy die that day so tom go’s to the warp bm make a shop then sells dave for 75K so kevin got it back but he combat log but anyways may minecrafterloads sword AKA shadows sword R.I.P so kevin forget about that sword its long gone for now but one day we will find it but if I do its mines >:)

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