Seya Eternal Cracked And Im Sorry
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This topic contains 31 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by AnderZENZ 9 years, 7 months ago.
Hello and Goodbye of the last time EC
I was recently caught Xraying and was Demoted/Permbanned from the server. Yes i regret this however i am not ashamed of what i did. Do not think this is a ban appeal, i will wait quite some time before i make one of them. I hope EC continues to thrive as it has been doing so lately and continues to Expand its Player list and fun it has brought for me. I Will hopefully return one day, However in the meantime i shall be working on restoring my Real life (Not as bad as that sounds) and even start my own server as i have tried numerous times and failed. I set a bad example to you all, i knew the rules yet i still broke them for which i am sorry. I Hope some of you can forgive me.
i will stay in contact with my friends from EC including megaseth010, TheDayWalker, MeetTheVoid, Wither, Mi_Amore_Cadenza, The Whole Mod team (Who im sure is ashamed of me, Nevertheless i will talk to SOME of them) and MANY more players. If you are not listed and we spoke often, you are most likely in the list in my brain, too long to write.
When i really think about it, me being banned from EC is like a Princess reaking a witches spell (Sorry for the Gay quote, cant think of much). I was highly addicted to EC, so badly i lost contact with my dad in Darwin coz he didnt like my video games. I can even go back to playing my favourite sport, football (Soccer to you americans). I havent had much time for training lately and its about to change
I dont think of my ban as a punishment, but a blessing
Goodbye and Sorry for the final time
-Ex-Moderator PigsWillFly69
:I Sorry to hear that Pigs, seeing as how you did xray, it is fair, the punishment you recieved, we were pretty good friends, and I’m going to miss you on the server (for when I get my internet issues sorted out) and I value the time we spent on the server together
You may see this as a blessing, but it will not be easy to be unbanned. You have disappointed a lot of players, some players looked up to you as a role-model. You let down a lot of people; Anyways, Good luck to you and your choices in life, may you find true happiness
WTH CHU MOTHER FCKER I WOULD HAVE NEVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD DO IT!! NEVER!! BUT You did.. Im very disappointed. Like skills said people looked up to you as a role model. I was one of those people.
everyone makes mistakes in thier lives snd they learn from them. i think he shoud be giving another chance.
No I like freaking pigs! I hope he gets unbanned. D; pigs atleast stay on the website and reply and stuff like that. And I want u to play on creative server now and then and survival if u get unbanned. Cya friend.
What? I can’t believe it! You were a great trial mod, I thought you would become expert mod one day, but now… Keep in Touch with me on Skype ok?
Valksoar, Born has made it quite clear that he doesn’t want me around any longer and i respect that. What i did was wrong and unjustified. If anyone of you wish to keep in touch with me my skype will be below. HOWEVER i shall no longer be playing on Eternal Cracked
Username: Pigswillfly69
Wait so you can’t even go on the creative server?! U should be able to atleast
Lobby has stopped that
cya then D:
I never thought this would happen
See ya on skype
I will miss playing with you pigs. Hope Lake_People will stay up.
ive never liked u pigs. WOOOO HES BANNED
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