Shade hacks
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This topic contains 17 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by kat07 11 years, 5 months ago.
This happened to me a while ago and since Shade is doing this to everyone i decided to share my experience to
one day me and killzone569 were mining to find a dungeon and i am Sure that we were REALLY REALLY REALLY far so we knew no one wouldn’t just come and kill us so i was mining and the next thing you know Shade like just appeared in front of me and killed me one hit killzone was lucky to do /home but when i saw him it was to late!! I Don’t know how shade does these kinda stuff but i think he’s a hacker i cant even see him when i hit the button to list players!!
Shade has been a real EC mystery, luckly, I started an army called ECJustice and we will spy and try to find proof that he is hacking!
Care to join?
HellaFushJDM, he definitely tracked you down with the dynamic map and then enderpearled or timed his invisibility potion perfectly so that it looked like he randomly appeared from no where. The list of players is very easy to miss a player and I suggest you /p shade and check if it has the “Online” status beside the name rather than just scrolling through the names of players.
like every1 is scared of him LOL i never seen him before but what i hear i kinda nervous if i see him
Shade is like Herobrine.
You never know when will he show up.
that is so true toni
HellaFlush, u dont understand. This happened to e but it waz trolling. Me and this guy waz mining and a random diamond guy appears out of the blue(note : we were very very far from spawn). I figured that he tp’ed to the guy i waz mining with. Probably wat happened.
Maybe because we have a map that shows all of the players at all times on the website…? Just a thought…
Well, I think he wasn’t hacking though, Since there is a Dynamic Map here in the website. Even if you’re really far away from Spawn, they can still spot you. Using the Dynamic Map will see every player, Either Far from Spawn or Near. And I haven’t seen that Shade guy before though. I just play on Creative. And if he was hacking and you have proof, well he should be banned.
I don’t think he hacks, not one bit of my mind says it. He tracks players down on the dynamic map, uses invisible potions (takes your player name away from dynamic map), and times it exactly, its simple, I’ve done it before…. I’ve been killed by Shade also, but why rage? Posting this posts on here does absolutely no good unless you have proof, deal with it, this guy is good at PvP’ing and scaring the crap out of players. Nothing is going to change. Put my 2 cents in
even though shade finds u all of a sudden, u cant jump to conclusions that shade hacks. Im just sayin, i remember that killzone and shade r team because they LIVE TOGETHER!
I know this topic is Old but Macomatic what do you mean we Live together ? Lol WTF
It’s easy to track using dynamic map. I checked the nearby towns in the location and /t spamn (town name) to get to my destination. I saw a fast moving guy and got there. Dominater and space bound were flying with a leaded horse transporting to a town!
Back to topic, remember to set the particles full in options. U can see ender pearl purple smoke and grey potion bubbles (invisibility potion particles) . I think there is a command to hide from dynmap . I suggest u guys to use dynmap when venturing into the wild.
the command is /dynmap hide (ONLY for donors)
~Woggy_Moggs -
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