ShadeFTW Hacks!


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  dantheracer 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #26291 Score: 0


    I am Macomatic. I was on pvp hill with all diamond armor, pro1 boots and pro4 helmet. ShadeFTW 1 hit me and I died. I had 10 hearts when I went to pvp hill. I died and they said its possible, eventhough other mods said impossible and I went on a server I hosted with my friends to see if it was possible. Turns out, even with or without strength potions, it is IMPOSSIBLE. I find this unfair. I don’t want to play on a server with a hacker. Please can someone fix this issue……


    #26294 Score: 0


    He Could Of Had A God Sword I Tested It And It Worked

    #26295 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    Did you have a chestplate and/or leggings? if so, what enchants..

    #26296 Score: 0


    U guys have heard of critical hits by jumping and hitting? Or a strength potion II? Or a lag ?

    #26378 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Guys listen to this: In EC I tested out this, so I took a strength 2 potion, armed myself with Sharp 5, Knock 2, Fire 2, Unbreaking 3 god sword, and I hit CrasherMiner once and asked him how many hearts(He was on pro 4) he said 1 heart, normally it would be 1 – 1 1/2 hearts on pro 4, and then I , hit CrasherMiner like 6 – 7 times doing crits using my god sword, and still he didn’t die, but for Shade(Not FTW), he kills you in 3 hits, which is a big difference

    #26379 Score: 0


    To clear a lot of this up, as of now it’s not possible for a player to increase their damage output with a cheat client. AntiCheat already blocks that, and if I recall correctly; on top of that Minecraft servers already have things like that built in as of version 1.1.

    I have a feeling a lot of these cases are exaggerated. Please also take into consideration that if you are fighting with lots of people around that you have multiple sources of damage and more than likely not lag-free.

    #26435 Score: 0


    Most likely caused by people lagging, as Chib said.

    #26455 Score: 0


    He also probably used an instant damage 2 to do damage before he hit you/

    #26464 Score: 0


    I’m just going to say this now, for crying out loud weren’t we already done with this. If anyone wants to say he hacks, make yourself bait, make a youtube video and actually catch him for hacking. I don’t know or care if he hacks or not but damnit guys we were done with this a while back with this smurf.

    Besides take into account of enchantments, critical, health, potions, and such.

    #26605 Score: 0


    this is actually a old topic. A lot of people say Shade hacks. Listen to this guys. 2 pro 4 god sword guys fought Shade. I joined in as well ( i had pro 4, god sword as well) We all died. Is that possible?

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